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Yoon Youngmin's POV:

I was still at the hospital, looking after my father with my brother. He had a really bad injury...My father suddenly held my hand and spoke. "Youngmin-ah...sorry I wasn't being careful with my actions. I tried to run to the other side of the road even though the light was red for the walking people just to be on time for our family dinner..." My father said. "Father it's not your fault. The car should have seen you but still crashed into you on purpose." My brother said. (the dance teacher is his brother) "Hyung. What are we going to do now? Just let that woman go and enjoy her life after doing this to our dad?" I asked. "Of course not. The problem is. Her sister is an idol. She can tell everyone what we do to her and her sister whenever she's on tv and we'll be exposed." my brother said. "Yah, yah. Don't even think about doing anything. You don't know how those idols work. You never know what they can do." My father said. "But dad!-" I was cut off by my brother who said, "Youngmin. The best thing we can do right now is to let dad recover and deal with this afterwards." I sigh and walk out the hospital. "You're gonna pay for this young lady. You better get ready." I said to myself.


It was another cloudy morning and all of the members were still sleeping in their dorms. Cuddling their pillows. Jake, Jay's roomate was tossing around the bed because he couldn't sleep deeply because Jay kept snoring loudly. He woke up, his hair was messy and his eyes were feeling heavy. "Hyung! Keep it down please!" He exclaimed in a sleepy voice. Of course Jay didn't reply and kept sleeping. Jake groans and covers his ears with a pillow, trying to fall asleep again but when he was about to doze off, a loud notification on his phone made him wake up again. "Dang it." Jake mumbled to himself. He checks his phone and it was their manager.

Manager: Good morning. Please remember that we will have our rehearsal for our Inkigayo performance tomorrow.

Jake reply with an "Okay" emoji and put away his phone. He gets up and goes to the bathroom to fix his hair and brush his teeth. While he was doing so, one of his members yelled outside their room saying, "HYUNGS! IT'S TIME TO EAT WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR REHEARSAL!" Jake get out of the bathroom and opens the door, revealing Jungwon. "I don't think this hyung is gonna wake up anytime soon. He's been snoring the entire night." Jake said hopelessly. Jungwon laughs at him and says, "You can go eat breakfast I'll wake up Jay hyung." Jake nods and rushes to eat with the other members. All of them were there except jungwon and jay of course. "Woohoo we're going to Inkigayo tomorrow!" Heesung exclaimed happily. "Why are you so excited hyung?" Sunoo asked, laughing at him. "Gonna meet that crush of yours hyung?" Jake asked, smirking. "H-huh? What do you mean?" Heesung asked, not being able to hide his smile. "Hyung can't control his smile!" Niki exclaimed, teasing him. Suddenly Jay sits down beside me with messy hair and sleepy eyes. "Are you sure he's awake?" Jake asks Jungwon. "Yeah he is." Jungwon replied, taking a seat.

"Sooo what did we miss?" Jungwon asked. "Look beside you and you will find Heesung as red as a tomato." Sunoo said. Jungwon takes a glance and Heesung actually looked so red. "Why is he like this," Jungwon asked, laughing. "You see, he's excited to meet his new crush tomorrow." Jake said. "Crush? What crush?" Jay said in a sleepy voice making the members crack up. "Hyung wake up! Eat your soup already. It's getting cold." Sunghoon said. "Okay okay..." Jay said, trying the soup. "Tasty, right?" Sunoo asked. Jay nodded and continues eating. "Who's this crush, hyung?" Sunghoon asked. "Hmmm why should I tell you?" Heesung asked. "So we can help you make the first move!" Sunoo exclaimed. "Well...she's a solo artist." Heesung said. "IU?!" Jake asks, shocked. "Nope." Heesung said. "Just tell us already hyung!" Niki said, taking a bite out of his bread. "Any other clues hyung? There's a lot of solo artists you know." Sunghoon said. "If I reveal this next one it will be too obvious." Heesung said. "OH...IS SHE AN MC?!" Sunoo asked, making Heesung flustered. "His face says it all." Jay said. "SO ITS WONYOUNG HUH? HYUNG BACK OFF SHE'S MINE." Sunghoon said firmly. "Awww how cute. You guys are not even dating yet." Jay said. "Bro calm down she's not a music bank mc." Heesung said, startled by Sunghoon's actions. "Since you guys are dating. When's your first date?" Niki asked, giggling. "Next weekend." Sunghoon said. The room was filled with Ooh's and clapping. "Anyways. Back to guessing the person who stole our hyung's heart." Sunoo said. "If she's not a music bank mc... Is she an inkigayo mc then?" Sunoo asked, smirking. Jake giggles after finding out who she is. "Kim Haewon?" Jake asks.

Heesung smiles once again, making it obvious it was her. "She has a crush on Haewon noona!" Niki said, teasing him. "Aish this is why I didn't want to tell you." Heesung said. "Don't worry hyung. Your secret's safe with us." Jungwon said. "When are you planning to tell her about your feelings?" Niki asked. "I don't even have her contact yet. Plus, we're not close," Heesung said. "Ask for it tomorrow!" Sunghoon exclaimed. "If you really want to find out if she has the same feelings for you then all you gotta do is start talking with her." Jay said. The others nodded and Heesung said, "Okay...I'll try to do that." They all finish their food and cleanse themselves, put on their clothes and leave their dorm.

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