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"For the sun that always lights up my day. From your one and only love Baekku <3" The letter said, making Wonyoung blush. Leeseo peeps at the letter and squeals. "Oh my gosh! Is he asking you out?!" Leeseo asked excitedly. "What do you mean? We're already dating. Well, kinda, I asked him that we'll tell you after our contracts end but, yeah," Wonyoung said. "SINCE WHEN?" Rei asked, just coming out of their bathroom near the main door. "Hm...2 days ago," Wonyoung said, giggling. "Really?!" Leeseo and Rei asked in unison. "Well...we aren't actually dating. We just confessed our feelings for one another." Wonyoung said, not being able to hide her smile. "Baby Wony couldn't wait a few weeks to confess because she fell so hard for Baekku." Rei said, teasing her. "Unnie is going to call and chat with Sunghoon all night. You're very lucky unnie!" Leeseo exclaimed. Wonyoung laughed and asked, "Where are the others?" "Oh them? They're having a nap in their rooms." Rei said. "Oh okay...I'll keep this in my room first with the other flowers Baekku gave me." Wonyoung said happily. "Okay!" Leeseo exclaimed. Wonyoung walked happily to her room, holding the flowers in her hand. Rei and Leeseo laugh at her and just went back to the living room and watched another series. Meanwhile, Wonyoung was rolling around her bed and kicking her blanket because she had so many butterflies in her stomach. Her face was red as a tomato and she was cuddling her pink bunny as always.

"Baekku! What have you done to me? Why do you always make my heart race and make me turn red just by looking and thinking about you?" Wonyoung asked herself. "Should I call him? No no, we were just together 10 minutes ago." Wonyoung said to herself. "Aish! Why can't I get you out of my mind?" Wonyoung asked herself. That's when her phone rang. She answered it and of course, it was Sunghoon. It was time for another video call.

"How did you like my gift for you my love?" Sunghoon asked with a smile on his face. "Yah! We aren't even dating yet." Wonyoung said. "So? It's not like you don't like the gifts. I can tell that you've been a blushing mess in front of your members based on what I'm seeing right now." Sunghoon said, pointing out Wonyoung's red face. Wonyoung hides her face with a pillow and Sunghoon laughs at her. "By the way Wonyoung..." Sunghoon said. "Yeah?..." Wonyoung asked, removing the pillow from her face. "Who was that girl you were talking to earlier? Was that your sister's child?" Sunghoon asked. "Yah! What are you talking about?! That was Rua. Just a girl I met randomly." Wonyoung said. "Oh okay, I thought you had a niece she looked like you" Sunghoon said, laughing. "Well, she does a bit like me. Wait... How did you see her? Didn't you leave already?" Wonyoung asked, confused. "Yeah, no. I still gave the flowers to Leeseo. The one in the paper bag I bought earlier to practice." Sunghoon answered. "But how did I not see you?" Wonyoung asked. "You were too busy talking to your look-a-like," Sunghoon said, making Wonyoung laugh. "Wait...I have something to ask you Wonyoung." Sunghoon said, making Wonyoung curious. "Can I start courting you?" Sunghoon asked. Wonyoung looked down and didn't answer. "No need to rush Wonyoung. I'll wait, I promise." Sunghoon said, assuring Wonyoung. "Wait just a bit Sunghoon. Just after our mc contracts end, I promise, I will let you do so." Wonyoung said. Just then, Wonyoung heard Jay's voice from Sunghoon's room."You should probably go now Sunghoon." Wonyoung said. "Okay, my love. I'll get going now. The members are looking for me." Sunghoon said. He ends the call and Wonyoung comes out of her room, sits in the living room with Rei and Leeseo, and watches the series. "Wow, this series is actually very interesting," Rei said. "Told you so!" Leeseo exclaimed. Wonyoung was so focused on the show she didn't even say a word. They continue watching until the other members finish their nap.

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