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Wonyoung's lips trembled and she tried her best to keep her tears at bay. How will she find the words to tell the person she once loved, no, still loves, standing right in front of her after ages of no contact? She quickly covered her face with cold hands, looking down before facing Sunghoon once again. "I'm sorry," she blurted out, gathering the courage to approach him. Sunghoon wrapped his arms around her in response as the girl finally let tears out of her eyes, sobbing on his shoulder. "Why are you sorry?... You didn't do anything wrong, my love," he said in a quiet voice laced with sweetness. "I just left," her voice trembled. "Without telling you why," she continued. "It was so cowardly of me to do that."

He let out a sigh as his mind was flooded once again with confusion and curiosity. "Well, we can talk about it now right?" Sunghoon pulled away from the hug, looking her in the eye. Wonyoung nodded subtly, wiping off her tears quickly before giving him a weak smile.

The wind blew gently whilst the two sat down on the wet grass, mesmerized by the beauty of the delicate pink petals falling slowly to the ground. Wonyoung clenched her fists, looking down. "It sounds dumb but, I thought it was for the best. For both of us, I mean," she admitted. "I didn't want to sound selfish or anything so I tried to avoid the topic and left without explaining..."

"I'm sorry... I just didn't know how to tell you and cut ties peacefully at that time."

"Especially when I didn't want to in the first place."

Sunghoon looked at her, holding her hand gently. He seemed to understand just by that. No words needed to be said from there, something as simple as eye contact had mended their formerly lost love and they smiled heartily at each other. At that moment, they realized their hearts were still beating for one another and they were still yearning for the other's presence after all this time.

"So... perhaps, do you..." Sunghoon trailed off. Wonyoung looked at him in response to his voice. "Do I?..."

He pursed his lips, "Do you want to... give it another try?"

"Yes," Wonyoung answered firmly.

Sunghoon pulled her into a tight hug once more and let out a sigh of relief, "I'm so glad..." he chuckled.

Wonyoung smiled as she wrapped her arms around him.

Wooyoung's POV:

Jiyeon was all grown up now and I left her in the living room as I was cooking some lunch for the three of us. As soon as I finished, I went to check up on her and saw her watching Wonyoung and Sunghoon's performance on the TV, smiling and cheering them on. I chuckled and sat beside her, "They did great in this performance right?" I asked cheerfully. Jiyeon nodded, smiling at me. "Do they still talk to each other?" she asked, looking away from the video. I looked down for a while and sighed, "Yes, of course," I answered with a smile, although not sure if they did.

Jay's POV:

"Hyung," Jungwon called as I was lying down on the sofa, playing games on my phone. "Hm?" I hummed in reply. "You don't hang out with Gaeul noona that much anymore..." he started, sitting down on the floor beside the sofa. I smile, "don't worry about that. We still spend time with each other once in a while. We're just being careful."

Jungwon nodded, "So... where's Heesung hyung?"

"With Haewon probably."

Haewon's POV:

I was watching a new Japanese series I found on Netflix called I Will Be Your Bloom when my doorbell rang. "Who is it?" I walked to the door and opened it. 

"Why are you here?" I laugh, not expecting him to come. "Didn't you tell me you're busy today?"

Heesung looked down and chuckled, "I'll always make time for you, my love."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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