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Manager's POV:
I heard about the sudden news and rush to the hospital to find the members, Wonyoung, Gaeul and Haewon. "What are y'all doing here?! What's going on?!" I yelled. "Manager-nim. They're in the operating room." Sunoo explained. "Why?! What injuries did they get?!" I asked, furious. "They were bleeding...they were unconscious..." Niki couldn't even continue his sentence as he was in tears.

Jungwon: "Yah...crying won't help...didn't we talk about this earlier."

Me: "We'll have to cancel your promotions for the mean time. Sunghoon and Jay will be put on hiatus. For now, keep quiet about this and let the company handle this. We'll let the fans know when the time is right."

Jake: "Don't you think the fans already spotted them since they were literally outside the dorm?"

Me: "Aish. Just keep quiet about the situation."

"Don't worry, they'll get well soon. Once they're in good condition, we'll be together again." Heesung assured. I nod, approaching a doctor that was coming our way.

"Excuse me doc, how are the people in the operating room doing? Since when were they in there?"

"Although I'm not their doctor, the last ambulance that came to our hospital was twenty minutes ago."

"Okay thank you. Who could I ask about their current condition?"

"A doctor from the operating room will let you know about their condition after the surgery is over."

"Alright, thank you."

I wait with the others in the lobby, hoping their surgery is going well. "Haewon, you could go now, you don't have to wait with us." Heesung said. "Yeah...you should rest at home." Wonyoung suggested. "No it's fine. I'll stay here." Haewon says. "We'll sue whoever did this as soon as possible. They should go behind bars." I said, furious. "Yeah. Whoever did this should pay. Not only did they put our members in danger, they put their driver in danger too." Niki said. "You know, I'll cut my contract with Music Bank too. I think I know who's behind this." Wonyoung assumes.

Everyone knew who she was talking about. Her one and only Music Bank partner, Chaemin, also known as, Youngmin.

"What made you say that?" I ask, skeptical. "Someone was behind them at the ER, it was Youngmin. It can't be a coincidence. They came here at the same time and they were all injured." Wonyoung stated. "But how did he get away from the police if was the driver of the truck?" I ask. "All we know is that guy is sly, he can get away with things easily." Gaeul says. "Yeah and he could've gotten out while the police weren't there yet." Haewon assumed.

Yoon Jisung's POV:
We have been waiting for a while in the hospital's garden and still, no sight of Youngmin and my wife. But I'm delighted that I'm finally free. I'm out of jail, I'm discharged from the hospital. Imagine how much fun I can have with my family again. Who cares if I had concussion and memory loss? I'm slowly regaining everything that I have gone through. And these broken bones? They'll heal anytime soon. They were right when they said your story isn't finished if it doesn't end with a happy ending...

"Dad? You've been quiet for a while. Does anything hurt?" Jae-jin asks. "No son, I'm fine. I'm just happy." I said with a smile. Just then, Jae-jin's phone rings. "Answer it, it might be important." Jae-jin nods and he got a call from his mother. "JAE-JIN...YOUR BROTHER IS AT THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW."

"Seoul National University Hospital"
"What's wrong son?"
"Dad...Youngmin's at the hospital right now."
"We gotta go dad."

I end the phone call and call a nurse that can assist my dad to get in our car. I drive away quickly and got to the hospital in a few minutes. I rush to the emergency room and see tons of people, idols too.

Wonyoung scoffs as he see Youngmin's brother. "Yoon Jae-jin? You even had the nerve to show up here right now." "Why? Is it so wrong to visit my brother who got into an accident because of you? Is it so wrong to visit my brother who turned into some sort of pyscho trying to get revenge because of what your sister did?!" Jae-jin exclaims.

Gaeul: "Yah! It's not our fault your brother isn't in the right mind!"

Niki: "And it's not our fault your brother is a psycho that almost killed himself and other people!"

Jungwon: "I suggest you and your brother get out of our sight."

Wonyoung: "Yeah, and isn't your father doing alright now? He's discharged from the hospital already! What do gou even want from us?!"

Jae-Jin: "All we ever wanted was your sister to apologize for putting my father at risk."

Jisung: "Enough! Wonyoung's right, I'm in good condition and Youngmin doesn't need to do all of this just because he wants revenge!"

Jake: "See? Even your father thinks you're being pathetic."

Jae-Jin walks out, taking his father with him. "That crazy brat. What has he done this time?" Jisung hissed. Jae-jin sighs, knowing his brother did no good.

😢Not that great of a chapter but I hope yall liked it... Btw tysm for 16k views and all the votes you gave! I really appreciate all the support you readers gave to my story...Sorry if the story is getting a bit long too hehe. Thank you for reading and merry christmas (sorry for the late greeting) and happy new year!

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