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"Hyung?!" "Unnie?!" The two exclaim in unison. "Y'all we can explain-" Wonyoung cut off Gaeul and she said, "Uh uh uh. No need to explain. I think I understand what you two did outside our dorm." "A date?" Sunghoon asked, clueless. "Well duh." Jay answered. Gaeul turns red and rushes to enter their dorm. "Wait. What's Sunghoon doing here?" Gaeul asks, frozen in her spot. "Oh me-" Sunghoon couldn't finish her sentence as Wonyoung cuts her off and said, "He just came by to drop something!" The two doubted the mcs so they began questioning them. "Are you sure?" Jay asked. "Totally!" Wonyoung exclaimed, nervous. "We don't believe you." Gaeul said. Suddenly Sunghoon holds Wonyoung's hand and says, "Okay. You caught us. We're together." This made Wonyoung flustered..."Ack! They're dating! Gotta tell the others!" Gaeul exclaimed, rushing to her room to chat with the others in the group chat Sunoo made. "UNNIE!" Wonyoung exclaimed, frustrated, trying to stop her. "Oops. Too late. She's already in there." Jay said, making Sunghoon giggle. "What's wrong about the others knowing? It's not like we weren't so obvious when we're together with them." Sunghoon said. Wonyoung looks away and lets go of Sunghoon's hand. "I'll get going now. I still gotta do something at our dorm." Jay said. "Okay hyung. I'll come with you. Bye Wony!" Sunghoon said with a smile, waving at her. Wonyoung quickly closes the door as she turns red.

Yoon Youngmin's POV:
I got back home and took off my jacket. I head to my computer and open it, transferring the picture from my phone to it. "This is gonna be perfect." I said to myself. I suddenly get a notification from my phone and it was my brother. He was asking what I was doing right now. I didn't reply and proceed to make the article and posted it on the internet. I walk away from it and grab something to eat from the fridge. Waiting for people to read the article and blow it up. I was smirking and laughing alone. "Payback time Wooyoung. Your sister's gonna be in trouble." I said, laughing.

Sunghoon's POV:
I was awkwardly walking beside Jay to our dorm when he suddenly spoke. "Yah. What did you do with cherry bunny earlier?" Jay asked. "Why are you asking?" I said, trying to hide my smile. "Ayy you're totally hiding something. Tell me! How did you two get together and when?" Jay asked, curious. "I know the other members wanna know too so I'll tell you later." I said, smiling. Jay gets excited and slaps my arm, making me yell in pain. What's with him today? I shake my head and we went back to our dorm quietly. The wind was blowing gently and the sun was hidden behind clouds. Looks like it's gonna rain soon. We hurry to our dorm and luckily, we got there before the rain started to sprinkle. As usual, we cleanse ourselves before we head to the living room. It was currently 10:00am and we were all gathered in the living room.

"So~ Gaeul spilled the tea earlier." Sunoo said, smirking. "Oh...Did she spill it all though?" I said, smiling. "TELL US WHAT HAPPENED THERE. WHEN DID YOU TWO GET TOGETHER?" Sunoo asked, excited. "Chill Sunoo. You're being so noisy again." Jungwon said, frustrated. "Yah. It's hard to stay so quiet." Sunoo complained. "Anyways. Am I gonna speak or what?" I said, impatient. "Go on." Heesung and Jay said in unison. "So...Earlier this morning I left a few minutes after Jay did to "get something" when he literally went out on a date with Gaeul." I said. The others kept teasing Jay because of what they found out. "Jay hyung has a girlfriend~" Niki said, teasing him. "Aish..." Jay said, embarrassed. "Anyways enough of Jay hyung. Tell us more about you Sunghoon." Jake said. "Okay okay. So I went to IVE's dorm because Wony invited me to go there. We were alone." I said, smiling. "ALONE?! ALONE? TELL US MORE!" Heesung exclaimed. "Basically we just ate breakfast together and...I stole something from someone." I said. "Huh? What did you steal?" Jay asked. I pointed at my lips, and the others totally knew. The room was filled with screams and laughter. "DID YOU REALLY?!" Jungwon asked, surprised. "Yeah you saw that right." I said. "Dang~ two of our members have girlfriends now. And one had his first kiss this morning." Sunoo said, squealing. "How did you two end up kissing? TELL US THE FULL DETAILS." Heesung said, impatient. "So we were supposed to watch a drama and...Suddenly she kept mentioning Jungwon." I said. "Oh~ I see what's going on. You got jealous?" Jungwon said, smirking. "OF COURSE I DID!" I snapped. "Out of jealousy, you kissed her?!" Jake asked, curious. "Exactly," I said, laughing as I remembered how red her face was. The others squeal and continue hitting me. "It hurts guys! Stop hitting me!" I exclaimed, in pain.

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