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We were at the convenience store to buy some snacks for the movie we will be watching at our dorm. Leeseo wanted to stay at the dorm so she can wait for Wonyoung.

"Unnie! Let's get some chips too!" Liz exclaimed. "Liz- I- We bought so much already-" Yujin said, panting because she's been running around the store trying to keep up with Liz. "Oh my gosh Liz! Are you shooting "idols who swept the convenience store" right now?" Gaeul asked, seeing the pushcart Yujin had. Rei peeped at the pushcart too while carrying a bunch of stuff with her. "Y'all-" Gaeul can't even continue her sentence because she's overwhelmed by the amount of stuff they have on their cart. "Uh... Who will pay?" Yujin asked, trying to avoid being the person to pay since she's saving up to buy something. "How about Liz and Rei since they bought the most stuff?" Gaeul said. "Why me?..." Rei asked, trying her best to hold the stuff in her arms. "We will both pay so let's just do it!" Liz exclaimed happily. "Okay!" Rei said and a bag of chips fell down from her arms. "Yeah, how about you put those stuff in your arms down first. Wait a sec I'll get another basket." Yujin said, running to get another basket for Rei before all the stuff fall down. At the end, the total was 90,067 korean won. The members were so shocked they didn't knew snacks were so expensive these days. They asked the cashier for a small discount and she agreed. After paying, they thanked the cashier and held heavy plastic bags in their hands filled with food. "Now I'm wondering how we will eat these all." Liz said. "We can share them with our staff." Rei said with a smile. They walked to their dorm and knocked on the door.

"WONYOUNG! LEESEO! OPEN THE DOOR!" Yujin said loudly. "OKAY WAIT!" Wonyoung rushed to the door and opened it revealing her members holding multiple bags of food. "S-s-surprise!" Gaeul said, struggling to carry the bags. Wonyoung looked at them with a grimacing emoji face but smiled awkwardly after. "OH WOW THERE'S SO MUCH SNACKS!" Leeseo exclaimed excitedly. After getting out all the snacks, they finally start their movie. The movie they are watching is Office Love and its about two office workers falling inlove with each other the more they work together. They always saw each other as friends but that changed after a few months. They were all enjoying the movie and it got to the part that the male office worker, Minhyuk confesses to Yerin when they were alone, working together. This made Yujin smirk.

"Oh this looks like a situation I'll see in the future." Yujin said. Wonyoung was confused but later realised, making her turn red. "Unnie! We're only friends! Didn't I tell you already?" Wonyoung said, flustered. "This is exactly what happened in this film." Gaeul said. "NO WAY." Wonyoung rushed to her room once again, sighing. 

"She actually likes Sunghoon! Oh my gosh!" Rei exclaimed. "This is what I've been telling you!" Gaeul said excitedly. "Shh! Let's continue watching and see what could happen next." Yujin said, totally engrossed in the show. "Okay let's keep watching." Leeseo said. The movie was almost gonna end and this is a part where the main characters have their first kiss with each other on a bench, under a cherry blossom tree. Leeseo was covering her eyes and squealing. Actually, all of them were. "SO UHM IT'S SPRING RIGHT NOW. RIGHT?" Gaeul asked impatiently. "Duh can't you see those blossoms outside the window?" Rei said calmly. Liz gasped dramatically and all of them knew what was going on. "YAH! THEY WON'T DO THAT OUT IN THE OPEN! THEY'RE NOT EVEN DATING" Yujin exclaimed, getting protective. "FOR REAL. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO ARE WATCHING US." Rei said. "True... It's getting a bit creepy to be honest." Leeseo said nervously. "Don't worry Leeseo we'll be fine as long as we stick together." Liz assured. After a few minutes, the movie ended. "The movie was so good!" Yujin exclaimed happily. "Yeah, it's sad that Wonyoung unnie didn't get to watch all of it." Leeseo pouted. "Oh don't worry Leeseo. She doesn't need to watch the movie when she can experience it in real life." Rei said. "I agree." Yujin laughed. "Unnie you're so confusing, earlier you're being so protective of them not dating, at the same time you're shipping them. Make up your mind Yujin unnie." Liz laughed. After an hour, Wonyoung finally came out of her room and all of them ate dinner together.

Enhypen's POV:
We already ordered food for dinner and was just waiting for it to come. Meanwhile Sunoo was watching a kdrama on his phone as usual. Niki peeps to see what he's watching and he was watching business proposal. "What episode is that?" Niki asked making Sunoo surprised. "Episode 4. I'm gonna watch all the episodes today!" Sunoo exclaimed. "You might even watch while eating." Jay said, knowing Sunoo. He ignored him completely and continued watching. Sunghoon was just zoning out by himself until they heard a doorbell. "I'll get it!" Heesung said running to the door with money on his hand.

"Good evening sir! Here is your delivery!" The delivery man said. "Thank you so much sir! Have a great day!" Heesung said happily, holding the food in his hands. "No problem!" The delivery man left happily and the members start to eat their food which was fried chicken, tteokbokki and ramen. "Wow! This is so good!" Sunoo exclaimed. "Everything is good for you Sunoo" Sunghoon laughed

They enjoy and eat all of the food infront of them. Afterwards, they wash the dishes quietly, Sunoo helped them a bit before going back to watching on his phone. Finally, it was time to sleep. It's been along day and they all go to bed, falling asleep within a few minutes, except for Sunghoon who was having a hard time falling asleep...

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