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People started talking around Wonyoung and one girl suddenly came to her.

"Uhm...hi..." The girl said. Wonyoung looked at her, flustered. "Wonyoung right?..." The little girl asked. "Yeah... How do you know me? Where's your mom?" Wonyoung asked, confused. "My mom watches you every Friday on the tv. She likes seeing you and your boyfriend together." Wonyoung just chuckled awkwardly and said, "Really? He's handsome isn't he?" Wonyoung said. The girl nodded making Wonyoung laugh. "My mom just came inside that store to buy something." The girl said, pointing at the cafe. "Oh~ that cafe? I go there pretty often to buy bread in the morning. The bread tastes so good!" Wonyoung exclaimed. "By the way, what's your name?" Wonyoung asked. "Me? I'm Shin Rua" The girl said with a bright smile. "Nice to meet you Rua!" Wonyoung said, shaking the girl's hand. Just then, Rua's mother comes out of the cafe.

"Sweetie...didn't I tell you not to talk to strangers?" Her mom said, worried. "But mom she isn't a stranger. That's Wonyoung." The girl said. "Really?!" Her mother said, shocked to actually see Wonyoung right infront of her very own eyes. "Hi maam...good afternoon." Wonyoung said with a smile. "Oh my gosh Wonyoung it really is you!" Her mother said. "Maam...keep it down please. I can't let people know I'm here." Wonyoung whispered. "Oh right. Sorry hehe." The mom said. "I'm Choi Yuna. Rua's mother. You look so much prettier in real life." The mother said making Wonyoung smile. "Thank you...I heard that you and Rua watch music bank every Friday..." Wonyoung said shyly. "Oh yes! We do! I'm really excited for this week's live. I heard you and Sunghoon will have a special stage." Yuna said. "Oh right...Sunghoon was his name. Unnie's boyfriend." Rua said making Wonyoung chuckle. "Yah. They're not dating. You might make Wonyoung uncomfortable." Yuna said. "No it's fine hehe. You know, I'll give Rua a small spoiler." Wonyoung said with a smile. "Make sure to tell me." Yuna said. "Don't tell your mom though you'll spoil it for her." Wonyoung whispered. Rua laughed and answered, "Okay unnie!"

Wonyoung whispered it to Rua leaving her mother curious. Rua had a thumbs up on her hand and a bright smile. "Sounds interesting unnie! I'll make sure to remember that." Rua said. Suddenly, Wonyoung's phone rings. It was Leeseo. "Oops looks like I have to go. It was nice meeting you two!" Wonyoung exclaimed. "Stay safe! Don't forget to eat well!" Yuna exclaimed. "Okay! Bye Rua!" Wonyoung exclaimed, waving at the girl. She waved back and Wonyoung gets going, answering the call from Leeseo.

"What is it Leeseo?" Wonyoung asked. "Unnie! You're not gonna believe this!" Leeseo said excitedly. "Come to the dorm quickly!" Leeseo exclaimed. "Why is there something wrong?!" Wonyoung asked worried. "No, no. Nothing to be worried about. Just come quick!" Leeseo exclaimed, excited. "Okay okay I'm coming." Wonyoung said, hanging up. She rushed to the dorm and took the elevator. What she failed to notice was that Sunghoon was on the other side of the stairs because she was in a hurry. She got to their dorm and opened the door. "What is it?" Wonyoung asked impatiently. "Someone sent you this!" Leeseo exclaimed, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand. "Huh? Who sent this to me?" Wonyoung asked, confused. Leeseo passes on the flowers to Wonyoung and she sees a letter.


Sunghoon's POV:
I was taking a stroll in the morning with Niki, drinking a cup of iced americano that I was holding when we passed a flower shop I stopped and looked at some of the flowers. Niki looked at me confused and asked, "Hyung. Why would you buy flowers? That's something a girl will like." "Of course it's for someone not me." I said, making Niki tease me once again. "For Wonyoung the love of your life?" Niki asked. "Shut up bro. Hold this for me I'll just some stuff inside." I said, passing him my coffee. "Hyung! Let me come with you!" Niki yelled at me when I was about to enter the store. "Ugh fine just don't drop that cup." I said, entering the store. Niki followed me and we were welcomed by the cashier. I look around and this one really caught my eye.

"Niki! Come here!" I exclaimed, making Niki come to me

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"Niki! Come here!" I exclaimed, making Niki come to me. "You found one already?" Niki asked. "Yeah but do you think she will like this?" Sunghoon asked. "I don't know...but Wonyoung said she likes shades of red so I think so..." Niki said. "How did you know that?" I asked. "Hyung why do I know more about Wonyoung than you?" Niki asked. "Ask yourself. I don't know." I said, jealous. "Aish just get that one. She will like it because it came from you." Niki said. "Okay." I said, taking the bouquet of flowers. I go to the cashier and pay for the flowers. "Sir what would you like to put in the letter?" The cashier asked, handing out an envelope full of hearts. "Can I write it myself please?" I asked. "Sure!" The cashier said, handing out a ballpen.

I finish writing and I give back the ballpen to the cashier. She ribbons the letter on the bouquet and gives it to me. I thank him and left happily. "So... When are you going to give her the bouquet?" Niki asked, suddenly Sunghoon's eyes go to his cup of coffee. "YAH! WHY DID YOU FINISH IT?!" I asked, furious. "Hyung...sorry. I got thirsty." Niki said. "Aish!" I said and just went back to the dorm. Leaving Niki behind.

-End of Flashback-

Before Wonyoung got to the Dorm:

Leeseo's POV:
I heard a knock on the door from the living room and I yelled, "Wonyoung unnie?! Is that you?!" "Nope! It's Sunghoon!" Sunghoon yelled. I rush to door and open it, revealing Sunghoon holding a paper bag. "Here. I just wanted to drop it by...it's for Wonyoung." Sunghoon said, handing me the paper bag. I take a look inside and squealed. It was flowers! "Wonyoung's gonna love this!" I exclaimed. "I hope she does..." Sunghoon said nervously. "Don't worry she will. Now go, before she comes back." I said. "Okay bye Leeseo! Don't forget to give those to her!" Sunghoon exclaimed. I nodded and closed the door, I called Wonyoung and told her to come to the dorm quick and she did.


Wonyoung's POV:
Leeseo tells me to open the envelope and read what's inside and I do exactly that. The envelope was full of red hearts and there was a pink bunny drawing on it. I smile and remember the gift Sunghoon gave to me once. I open the envelope and take out the letter. It read...

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