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Jay's POV:

It's another morning and it's been a week since Gaeul has been ignoring my texts after she broke up with me. To be honest I don't even know if I should call it a "break up" I don't even know what we are. Are we more than friends or just meant to be colleagues? I didn't even get the chance to clear that up. I wanna meet up with her again...I miss being with her. When she's with me, I know I'm gonna be alright, no matter where we are and what situation we're in. I gotta fix this mess. I immediately leave our dorm quietly and I'm sure I'll be back before the members wake up. It's 8:00 AM so they're gonna be sleeping for the next few hours. Our driver is here but I didn't want to disturb him so I just run to IVE's dorm by myself as if it was only a few meters away from our dorm. After half an hour of running and trying to get to the dorm by myself, I finally get there. The security guard questioned why I'm there and I couldn't even give an excuse. I just honestly told him I needed to see Gaeul which made me look even more suspicious. Luckily Wonyoung was there, coming back from her favorite bakery to back me up, and just told the guard I'm there to get something he left the last time I went there. On our way to the dorm's door, Wonyoung asks why I'm here so early and what I need to do here in the dorm.

"So...why did you come?" Wonyoung asks. "Well...I need to see Gaeul." I explain. "Oh...So that's the reason why she's been feeling down for the past few days." Wonyoung mumbled to herself. "Did you two have a misunderstanding?" Wonyoung asks, curious. "Well, kind of. I just wanna clear things up and fix everything." I answer. "Gaeul's at our dorm but she's still sleeping...Do you wanna have breakfast while waiting?" Wonyoung asks, showing me the bread she just bought. "Sure." I say. Wonyoung unlocks the door and welcomes me to their dorm. I'm always surprised by how clean this place is. Anyways, we sat on the dining table, trying not to wake anyone up. "Are you comfortable telling me what happened? So I can help you and Gaeul." Wonyoung suggests. "I could use some help...You see, Gaeul met up with me last week, wanting to end our relationship..." I explained. "Huh? Why?" Wonyoung asks, surprised by the sudden "break up". "She saw you and Sunghoon struggling to keep your relationship strong because of all the rumors and scandals so she decided to end the relationship because she knows it won't work out and that we will just hurt ourselves in the end." I continued. "You know, let me tell you something. If you two believe you can stay strong and ignore the people around you, you will definitely last long." Wonyoung says softly. Just then, Gaeul wakes up and comes out from her room, finding out Jay was at their dorm. "Lemme give you two some privacy." Wonyoung says, leaving behind her food in the dining room and making her way to her room.

Gaeul's POV:
I came out of my room, spotting Jay and Wonyoung in the dining area. "What's he doing here?" I thought to myself, panicking. I didn't know what to do, is he mad at me because i broke up with him? I hope not...

"Gaeul...I know you're trying to figure out why I'm here right now. But I just want to make things clear." Jay says. "I thought I already made things clear..." I say, avoiding eye contact. "Please. Can you stay here for a while." Jay asks desperately. I had no choice but to sit down infront of him, and hear him out. "You see, I wanna know exactly, what are we?" Jay asks, making me pause and think. What are we actually... "We're just colleagues..." I reply coldly, holding back my tears. "Gaeul please, that first "date" of ours, did it not mean anything to you?" Jay asks. "Jay, if I only I could ignore the world around me just to be with you. I would do it." I reply. "What's stopping you from doing that?" Jay asks. "This. All of this." I say, looking around the dorm. "You know, if you believe that we can be together, without anything getting in our way, it could happen. Look at Wonyoung and Sunghoon, they faced every challenge that came to them. We can do the same." Jay said softly, interlocking his fingers with mine. I didn't even realise a tear fall down my face until Jay wiped it off gently...Maybe he is right, maybe we could work out. Jay lets go off my hand, sitting beside me to give me a warm hug. A put my head on his shoulder as tears come out of my eyes.

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