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"Speaking about lunch, what are we having?" Asked Gaeul. "What do you wanna have? We can have food delivered or cook food ourselves" Jay said, smiling from ear to ear. "Let's try cooking," Gaeul said, walking to their kitchen excitedly.

"What ingredients do you have here though?" She asked. "I don't really know... What are you planning to cook though? We'll look for the ingredients after we decide what to cook," Jay replied. "What are you craving right now?"Jay asked.

Gaeul, feeling a bit playful, gently taps his lips and laughs. "Oh? You're craving some of that?" He laughed. "I can give you that" He continued. He gently gives her a peck on the forehead and smiles.

"Let's get back to cooking, shall we?" He chuckled. Gaeul nodded with a smile on her face

The two decided to cook some pasta because of the ingredients they had on hand. Goofing around in the kitchen, getting messy and having fun was the best part. The moment the dish was ready, they were starving. Jay's stomach rumbles, embarrassing him. "Looks like someone's hungry" Gaeul laughed. They set up the table and take a seat, their mouths watering. "I can't wait to eat." He said. "Hold on," Gaeul spoke, taking a pic of the food. "I can't believe we made this." She said. Jay laughed, "Can we eat now?" He asked. "Yes~" She answered.

The first bite was magical, they didn't expect it to be so good! Jay enjoyed his food quietly, his face says it all, he was really satisfied of what they made. But Gaeul looked quite uneasy, sharing the same concerns with Wonyoung.

Jay noticed that and didn't even hesitate to ask, "What's wrong, love?" "Nothing." She answered, slurping her pasta. "Love, you don't have to lie to me." He said seriously. "Are you worried about what happens to us after this? After all our promotions and everything?" Jay asked.

"You know me quite well..." Gaeul responded.

"What happens when we go back to our promotions? What happens if we get caught dating? Do you think your fans will like it?..." She asked, anxious. "Our true fans wouldn't mind at all, they will even be supportive." Jay answered firmly, he knew their real fans would respect their decision.

"When we go back to our promotions? Just like before. We'll visit each other secretly and chat. I promise you, I'll always make time for you." He assured.

"Just look at Sunghoon and Wonyoung, they're going strong, despite the car accident and everything else that's going on in this noisy world." He added, squeezing her hand slightly.

You visited me almost everyday at the hospital, Gaeul. I'm grateful to have someone like you who cares for me and our relationship. I could never let you go, okay?"

Gaeul nods and feels safe when she was listening to Jay's assurance. She gives him a warm smile and caresses his hand. "Okay, Jay. We can definitely get through this. Knowing I'm with you, I'm sure we will stand strong no matter what hits us."

Jay smiles at her words, feeling relieved. He nods, and they get back to eating their food.


Enhypen's POV:
It's our first time promoting as a group after a whole year, we're looking forward to how our career goes from now on. We hope no one else gets injured anymore and we hope that Youngmin will actually feel sorry and regret what he did.

"Good day everyone, this is HYBE entertainment and we're happy to announce that Enhypen is back and will continue promotions as a full group. Thank you for all their fans' patience and support."

"Enhypen is back!"

We were all being interviewed by so many people, it was getting overwhelming. It's not like we haven't been interviewed by people before, it's just that, they're so many this time, at the same day too...


Starship entertainment is finally letting us go on a world tour! We're so excited~

"It's been a while since we went on a world tour since Iz*one" Yujin spoke. Leeseo was clapping her hands, all excited, "I CAN'T WAITTT IT'S OUR FIRST WORLD TOUR AS A GROUP~" she cheered. Rei laughed, "Imagine so many fans watching us live at the stage! Not on their screens but in real life!" "Imagine how much fun we will have! I'm so excited~" Wonyoung joined in. "ACKKK I'M SO HAPPY BUT NERVOUS AS WELL" Liz chimed. "ME TOO" Gaeul exclaimed.

Their dorm was filled with happy laughs and screams. They can't explain in words how happy they were. To finally meet their fans, perform on the big stage of their OWN concert. Just them on the big stage, listening to their fans singing along to their songs. It was an idol's dream come true! They debuted during the pandemic and weren't able to perform infront of their fans, but now, they can finally interact with the people who made their group grow even more.

😭Thank you for reading this chapter! I'm really sorry for the late uploads, please be patient with me... Thank you for all the love and support for my stories though! I hope you like this new chapter, although it took a bit too long to publish. Please, stay safe and have a great day ahead!

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