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"I'm sorry, Sunghoon."

"But Wonyoung, you promised..."

"I can't keep my promise."

"Please Wony-"

"It's the company's choice. Not mine."

"Are you really going to let the company make decisions for you?" Sunghoon scoffed.

"Wonyoung, just for you, I had countless arguments with my company, just so that we could be together," his voice became shaky.

"But you, you just let them do this? Did you even try to stop them?"

"I tried. I tried my best! But we have to accept that we can't be together." she said, finally.

Wonyoung ended the call, close to tears. Although she knew it was for their own good, she knew that even if the company had to do this, she'd never lose her feelings.

Sunghoon's POV:
I look one last time at my phone before she ended the call.

I shouldn't have expected anything. It was too good to be true.

All of the memories, interactions...did they really mean anything to her?

Because if they did, she wouldn't just leave like that.

Everyone warned me about this. The arguments were useless. I should've listened.

I let out a deep sigh.

"It's for our own good anyway," I said sarcastically.

I let go of my phone and clenched my fist. I sat down on my bed, staring blankly at the blanket, trying to process everything at least.

Would things be different, if I didn't try to fight for our "relationship?"

Wonyoung's POV:
As I hung up, I felt a bit guilty, but I didn't regret anything I said. The promise I made, to let him court me after our partnership as MCs...I wasn't able to keep it. Things were just getting started but it had to stop.

I didn't even try to think about how Sunghoon was feeling, I knew I just wanted things to go back to how it used to be. The times we were just friends, and there weren't any issues with the company that ruin our image.

I know it was selfish to just decide like that by my own, I sensed the frustration in Sunghoon's tone as we spoke...

But I think both of us will be better off without each other getting in the way of our careers and our personal lives...

I unlock the door to my room and find Rei in the living room.


"yes?" Rei answered, looking at me in the eyes after letting go of her phone.

I decide to tell her Sunghoon and I's entire conversation through the phone.

"Do you really think it's for your good?" she asked.

"There's a part of me that still wants to continue our bond but..."

"considering all of this, I think it's time we stop." I continue.

"There you go then." she replied.

"But Sunghoon didn't seem happy about it at all..."

"Well what did you expect?" she chuckled a bit.

"After all those months of you two being together, after all those memories together, of course he wouldn't want you to leave."

"You know, it's best of you two talk about it properly and put yourselves in each other's shoes. That way, both of you will be able to accept it and there will be no grudges," Rei finished.

A smile appears on my face as I hear Rei unnie's advice. I can always count on her as she understands me so well.

"Thank you, unnie..."

"No worries, but you should really explain to him why you made that decision. And make sure he understands." she said.

I nod, "I'll make sure to understand him as well. But I don't want to talk to him... Yet," I say.

"Give yourself time, Wonyoung. If you don't feel like opening up yet, then just do it when you feel like the time is right, okay?"


"And you shouldn't start avoiding him either because you're going to see each other one way or another during our stages anyway."

"you're right."

I give Rei one tight hug as my way of saying thank you and stand up.

"I'll just get something to eat."

"Yeah, sure," Rei laughed.

Jay's POV:
I recieved a message from Sunghoon as I was practicing playing the guitar in one room of the HYBE building. I was supposed to go live in a while but you know what, I'll be nice and check his message.



"I really want to understand Wonyoung but I don't think it's right..."

"What do you mean?"

And there he goes, telling me about everything from our manager's approval to the call.

"okay, hold on."
"so you gave her a call and she suddenly tells you that she wants to break up?"

"exactly. and she decided to do so because of her company."

"you know, Sunghoon. She might have another reason but she isn't ready to tell you yet."

"And what reason could that probably be?"

"pressure. Pressure, Sunghoon. You may not feel the same pressure she feels."
"do you know exactly what her company has been telling her? No, right?"

"yeah but...she could've told me."

"yes I know, but put yourself in her shoes. What if she has been so pressured by her company and her other problems that she decided to cut off her relationship?"

"I can't blame her though..."

"see? So the best advice I could give you is to be understanding. Not everything can work out, Hoon."

"I know."

"I know she was the reason why you kept fighting, why you had the motivation to continue as a Music Bank MC, and why you had the motivation to get out of that hospital and get better so you could spend time with her."


"You know she loved you. But sometimes, we have to start letting go. And that's something we all need to accept."

"What if I can't start to let go yet?"

"Give yourself time. Letting go of something, especially someone, doesn't happen in an instant."

"Then what can I do in the mean time while I try to forget about everything?"

"Are you really that bored? Go play games on your phone, watch dramas, dance practice, practice singing, talk with our fans on weverse, go live so they know you're doing well."

"Thanks hyung."

"You're welcome."
"Now I need to go live, so bye bye"

I chatted one last message before putting my phone down.

"bye." sunghoon replied.

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