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It's been a while since the two got admitted to the hospital and Youngmin was still behind bars while Wooyoung's sentence got reduced from 5 years to 1 year. Half a year has passed and so many things have happened but here we are in the present.

"Alright Sir Park Jongseong and Park Sunghoon, I'm happy to announce that you'll be discharged today. Congratulations!" The doctor said. All the members with them jumped for joy, uncontrollable smiles forming on their faces. "Congrats hyung!" Sunoo exclaimed happily, hugging Sunghoon. "Congrats you two!" Jungwon said, smiling. "Finally, I could start teasing these two again." Niki joked. "Don't even think about it." Jay said, annoyed. Sunghoon sighs, knowing Niki will go back to teasing him 24/7. Jay and Sunghoon were escorted out of the hospital room by their doctors and they waved them goodbye as they left the building. "Wow...it's been a while since I've been outside." Sunghoon said, enjoying the cold morning breeze he had missed. "It feels good to be outside again. I feel so free." Jay smiled, enjoying the view. "Right, I have to tell Wonyoung we got discharged. Don't you think it's weird she didn't visit us?" Sunghoon asked. "You just got out of the hospital and you're already thinking about your girlfriend." Sunoo rolled his eyes. "Wait are they official?" Heesung asked. "Come on hyung, how do you not know." Jake replied. Meanwhile, Sunghoon was turning red as he chats with Wonyoung on the phone. Jay, however, was silent, just looking at everything he comes across. "Hey, Jay, you okay?" Jungwon asked. Jay nodded, smiling weakly. "I know something's wrong. Mind telling me?" He asked. "I'm just worried the fans are waiting too long and I'm just thinking, what if they're disappointed because our schedules got canceled because of me and Sunghoon." Jay confessed. "Hyung, if they're really fans of us, they will understand. It's not even you and Sunghoon's fault for getting into that accident. It's that Youngmin guy's fault." Jungwon responded. "Right, about that Youngmin guy...Where is he right now?" Niki asked, not looking happy. "All I know is he'll be in jail for the next few years." Sunghoon said, putting his phone away. "Did Wonyoung reply to you?" Jay asked. "Nope...Maybe she's busy?" He replied. "I should text Gaeul later on as well." Jay said.

Wonyoung's POV:

"Guys! Let's eat! Food is ready!" I yelled, waking the other members up. "Is this even breakfast or lunch?" Liz asked, looking at the clock telling them it's 11:30. "Brunch I guess" Yujin replied, chuckling. "Let's wake up Leeseo and Rei first." Gaeul said, stretching. Wonyoung nodded, knocking on the door of Leeseo's room. "Leeseo!" I exclaimed, entering the room. "It's time to wake up..." I said, tapping her shoulder. "Five more minutes..." She whined. "Yah, we have an important schedule today...We need to film for Weekly Idol remember?" I said. "OH RIGHT" Leeseo exclaimed, immediately getting up. A few seconds later, all of us were at the dining table, our mouths watering looking at the food. "What took you so long Leeseo" Rei complained. "Like you didn't take long to wake up as well" Gaeul joked. They all sat down, "Thank you for the food!" They exclaimed and started eating. "How's Wooyoung unnie doing?" Liz asked, taking a bite of the hotteok in front of her. "My last update about her was last weekend from Minhyuk, she's not feeling well lately...Of course, I couldn't visit her regularly because of our schedule so I just ask him. I hope after our schedule I could visit her..." I said, worried. "How's the baby?..." Yujin asked. "Hasn't it been 8 months already? She could give birth anytime soon...." Gaeul said. I nod. Knowing that made me even more concerned about Wooyoung unnie. "Wonyoung, your phone is ringing." Rei informed me. "Right." I said, taking a peek at my phone. It was Minhyuk. "Hold on let me answer this." I said, anxious.

"Yes, Minhyuk?"

"Wonyoung! Come to the hospital right now!"






I end the call, rushing to my room to get my bag and jacket. "What happened?!" Yujin asked. "No time to explain!" Wonyoung yelled, running out of their dorm in a hurry. She looked at her phone, checked the address Minhyuk sent to her, and ran as fast as she can to the hospital that was just near the cherry blossom park.

-At the Hospital-

Wonyoung barges into the hospital and goes to the receptionist's desk. "Ma'am, where's Jang Wooyoung? I heard she just got here..." She said, out of breath. "She's in the delivery room miss, you can't enter right now. You may wait here in the lobby." The receptionist answered. Wonyoung nodded, impatiently sitting down and waiting for someone to come out.


A doctor comes out of the delivery room and Wonyoung immediately approached her. "Ma'am...Is my sister okay?" She asked. "You must be her sister. I have good news for you, the delivery was successful!" The doctor exclaimed. Wonyoung hugged the doctor, "Thank you so much doc, I couldn't thank you enough." She said. "No problem Wonyoung-ssi. She's gonna have to rest first before people could visit her. Now excuse me, I have to go." The doctor said with a smile, walking away. Wonyoung walked outside the hospital, going to the police. "Has my sister's sentence been reduced." The girl asked. "Yes, miss. Since you paid for the fine and the hospital bills of Youngmin's father and because of her condition, her sentence has been reduced to one year. Technically, she's only staying behind bars for 6 more months and she's good to go." The police informed her. "Thank you so much sir!" Wonyoung said, bowing.


Youngmin's family simply couldn't afford all the fines so Youngmin is going to stay in jail for the next 10-15 years. How unfortunate for him. Now, he learned his lesson, think before you act.

Youngmin's POV:

I know regret everything that I've done. There's no way to turn back time and I accept the fact that I'll be staying here for a long, long, time. I said to myself.

🥳Here's the new chapter!!! I'm sorry in advance for not being able to upload the next chapters since exam season is here and I have to study first. I hope you guys understand! Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter and being patient with me! Stay safe!

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