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Enhypen's POV:
After an exhausting day outside, having interviews and shooting a few shows, we get back to our dorm with no energy left at all. We were literally drained. Niki was laying down on the floor, still playing his video games and Sunoo was beside him, curled up into a ball. Jay flopped himself on the sofa and sighed. "I'm not used to our normal schedule anymore. I get tired so easily." He complained. "But hyung, you're always tired." Jungwon replied. "Well it's no surprise. We've been admitted in a hospital for almost a year." Sunghoon frowned.

"All because of Youngmin. I wonder how he's doing in jail" Jake wondered. "We shouldn't even talk about him, even more, worry about him. Hyung, he literally crashed into their van on purpose. Not only did Jay and Sunghoon get involved, their driver got injured too." Sunoo rolled his eyes. "He's right." Heesung replied blankly. "But I must say, I'm grateful we're finally complete again. It's been a while." Jay smiled. "Yeah." they all chorused.

"Who's gonna shower first?" Niki asked suddenly. "How about you go first and stop playing your video games?" Jake nagged him. "Sunghoon, someone's calling you" Jungwon told him. Sunoo looked at his phone, "Why is our manager calling you?" he asked. "Don't know..." He answered. "Well, go answer the phone." Heesung said. Sunghoon answers the call and goes to his room, closing the door silently. "I wonder what's that about. I hope he's not in trouble again" Niki spoke.

Sunghoon's POV:
"Yes sir? Why did you call?" I ask seriously. "Sunghoon, meet me at my office today by 8pm, please. We have some things to discuss." My manager answered. I agreed, slightly confused. What's this about? I wondered. "And don't bring the members with you." He told me. "Why is that sir?" I questioned. "Just, don't. We don't need them here." "Alright, sir. I'll be there." I end the call and exit the room.

"What did he say?" Heesung asked. "Tell us, Hoon." Sunoo said, curious. "I have to go." I answered. "Again? We just got back to our dorm..." Jake mumbled. "Can we come?" Jungwon asked. "No, you can't. I'm sorry." I was about to exit the dorm until... "Sunghoon, you stay here for a while. I know you have some time. Mind explaining to us first?" Jay stopped me.

"I want to but... I can't. I don't even know what to explain. I don't even know why I have to go there."

"What exactly did our manager say?"

"He just told me to go to his office by 8pm."

My eyes shift to the time on my phone.

"Look, hyung. I have to go. I'll just tell y'all what happened later, okay?"

"Alright, you can go"

I leave the dorm and sigh. The thought of being called to his office worries me. Did I do something wrong?... I wondered. I walk to our building quietly, trying to find a reason to why I was called. It reminded of me being called by my teacher when I was at school. It was nerve wracking. But in the end it will always be good news... Is that what's this about?


Sunghoon enters their building and the cool air inside gently brushes his face. He was greeted politely by the staff as he makes his way to the manager's office. He takes the escalator and it was dead silent. Truth be told, it made him uncomfortable. He lets out a deep sigh before knocking at the office, looking at the time on his phone.

The door opens, revealing his manager giving him a serious but concerned look. "Come in."


Wonyoung's POV:
"Knock knock~" I knocked outside my sister's apartment. "Coming!" She yelled, opening the door, carrying her daughter with her who was cooing happily. "Awww she's so cute" I said, caressing her cheek.

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