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Yoon Youngmin's Brother's POV:
I immediately run to the hospital happily after finding out my father has been discharged. It feels good to know he's in good condition now. "DAD!" I yelled, running to him to hug him while he was walking to the exit, limping. "Oh my dear son, it's a relief to be able to go to the outside world again..." My father, Yoon Jisung said in awe. "Of course it is! Where do you want to go? I'll take you anywhere you want. I'll buy you some kimbap and fried chicken, your favorite." I offered. "Oh I'm looking forward to that. But, where's your mom and your brother?" He asked. "I'm not sure, they weren't answering my calls since this morning..." I said. "Maybe they're just busy?..." My father assumed. "I'll sure they'll be here in a few minutes. Do you wanna wait for them here for them or eat lunch already? It's already 12 noon, you shouldn't get hungry..." I said. "Let's wait for them here so we can eat together." My father suggested with a smile. I nod and we head outside the hospital where you can find their garden, filled with greenery and cherry blossoms. We find a bench and decide to wait for our other family members there.

"So...I've heard Youngmin is now an MC for Music Bank." My father says. "Yeah...not quite sure why he chose to be one alongside Wonyoung but I'm sure he has his reasons." I explained. "I know for sure that he's only doing it to take revenge on Wonyoung." He said. I agree, nodding my head. "You don't have to do all of this son. It was my fault for walking down the pedestrian lane when the red light was clearly on." My father says. "But dad-" I got cut of by him as he says, "You know son, I want to live a peaceful, simple life while not meddling into other peoples' business. I don't want to cause trouble to other people, especially ourselves. The court was traumatizing to me son, please, as much as possible, help me avoid that place."

My father clearly didn't want to put anyone behind bars because he himself has experienced it before and knew the way other families will struggle if we get them sued. But, Wonyoung's sister clearly did something wrong, she should get the punishment she deserves. But suing the sibling of a kpop idol is not gonna be easy. First of all, the company will do everything to prove that her sister is innocent so Wonyoung's career won't get affected and clearly their company has more power than us.

"Dad, I'm sorry. But we have to do what's right." I said. "Son, you don't know who you're dealing with. Those companies play dirty." Jisung says. "We have all the proof and evidence that you were the victim dad. You didn't do anything wrong." I said. "Oh yeah? What kind of evidence do you have?" Jisung asks. "Do you remember the color of the car?" I ask. "Yeah, it was...grey." My father stated. "Are you sure? Are you not mistaken?" I ask, skeptical. "Yes. I'm sure." My father assures.

~ 1 week ago ~

Youngmin's brother, Jae-Jin was at home by himself again, trying to put together the mysterious accident. I gather all the details Youngmin and my father had reported to me on my computer so I can get back to it later and make some additions or changes if I get more clues. "So. It was night time, the street lights weren't working properly, and the red light for the pedestrian lane was on. Then suddenly, a bright light flashes and he dad falls over, unable to get up. But the driver gets out of the car to check him and is in shock and called the ambulance but drived away immediately after doing so. But dad had a strong sense of smell and the driver reeked of alcohol. Even if dad's vision was not perfect, he recognised that unique face. It was Wooyoung, Jang Wonyoung's sister." He concluded. "Come on Jae-jin. How do you think we can make it to the court with this? We don't even have solid proof like cctv cameras and dashcams. Plus, they can easily say we are making up stories or my dad was unsure since he was hit by the car." Yoon Jae-jin, Youngmin's brother, said to himself. I sigh, closing my laptop, "Let's try to find more evidence or clues. The police won't even believe us with this." I murmured.


Yoon Youngmin's POV:
I wake up in a huge hospital room, with doctors surrounding me, checking my stats. I look around and see a giant window on my right and some books to read. The room felt calm and smelled nice. It felt like a hotel room actually. "Back to the plan." I said to myself in my mind. Everything's going well unexpectedly. If I can't gain Wonyoung's trust, I'll make her experience the same pain as I did when her sister made my dad suffer. Yes, I was the truck driver. Yes, it was intentional. I don't care about the consequences anymore. All I care about is getting revenge on them.

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