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-In the Manager's Office-

"I know it was sudden for us to tell you to step down from your position as an mc, but we didn't want to overwork you since you and your group will have promotions in the US next week. So, it was nice for Youngmin over here to volunteer to be the replacement mc." Our manager said. "And who said that he can be the mc? No one even knows him. His face is not known by the general public and the viewers so how would he even do well?" Sunghoon asks. "Don't underestimate me Sunghoon. I work harder than you think." Youngmin replies. The manager sighs, knowing Sunghoon had a point. "Do you even know who this guy really is? Check this article, the article that spread the rumors that Wonyoung and I are dating." Sunghoon said, scrolling down on his phone. Youngmin scoffs, thinking he's trying too hard not to let him work as an mc. "See this username? yymistheboss? What username even is that? Anyways, what I'm trying to say is see those first three letters? Yym. Yoon young min. Do you get my point? I know I don't have solid proof of the next thing I'm going to say but he pretended to be a dance teacher for me and Wonyoung when his brother was with his father because of an accident." Sunghoon said.

"I didn't pretend though? I was told to do my job." Youngmin says. "Youngmin. If we find out this really is your account then the public will too. You never know how smart these people can be. They love digging into scandals and rumors." The manager said. "Exactly. So if you don't want to ruin Music Bank's reputation then don't make him the mc. As I was saying earlier, after he did his "job" as a dance teacher, he was following us on our way out of the dance studio and tried to grab Wonyoung's hand. Tell me how this is the right behavior of an "idol"?" Sunghoon asks. "No one has to know. Plus, we can change his name fully and give him a brand new stage name." Their manager says.

"Why are you so desperate to make him the replacement mc in the first place? Is he paying you to do this? There are so many other idols out there that can do better than him." Sunghoon states. "And why are you so desperate to not let me be the new mc?" Yoon Youngmin asks. "Okay. Enough. Sunghoon, you don't get to decide, we already told Music Bank he would be the one replacing you. Plus, earlier this morning, he came to the office to sign contracts with Music Bank, you can't do anything at this point." The manager says. Yoon Youngmin smirks, knowing Sunghoon doesn't stand a chance against him. "Alright then. Let's see how that goes. Thank you for inviting me here." Sunghoon says, leaving the meeting room.

Sunghoon's POV:
I clench my fist as I walk my way out the HYBE building. How can our manager be this idiotic? Everything will backfire in the end, just wait and see Youngmin. I thought to myself.

Jay's POV:
I was waiting for Sunghoon to come back to the ground floor of the building since we were going to eat dinner outside together while the members are away. Our chat was open, no messages at all. "Jay...can I tell you something." Gaeul's name pops up on my phone screen, putting up that message. "What is it?" I reply in our chat. "I should probably tell this to you face to face. Can you meet me right now? Han River?" Gaeul asks. "Uh sure... I'll get ready. I have to be back soon though..." Jay replies. A thumbs up appears on his phone and he gets going. "Sunghoon. Wait for me. I'll be back in a few minutes." I say in me and Sunghoon's chat. I run to Han River which was quite near to the building and I see Gaeul standing there, lonely, looking at the waters below her. "Hi..." I said awkwardly. "Jay. I don't think it's going to work." Gaeul says. "Huh? What do you mean?" I ask, confused. "Thanks for the date and all, caring for me and making me feel loved but..." Gaeul couldn't continue as a tear falls out of her eye. "Why do you feel that way..." I ask. "You know, seeing what Wonyoung and Sunghoon are going through right now. I don't want to feel the pain of having to break up because of our careers in the future. So, before we dive deep into our relationship, it's best if we end it here." Gaeul says, walking away and not looking behind. I grab her arm, making her turn around. "Just know I understand. That's all I want. I don't want you to think I'm holding a grudge against you and that you are hurting me." I say, letting her go. She walks away from me slowly, leaving me behind...

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