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Wonyoung's POV:
As I was on my way to the dorm I was smiling all this time. My driver suddenly asks, "Wonyoung-ssi how was your day?" I was a bit confused but answered, "It was a very good day. How about your day sir?" I asked. "Well, I'm a bit tired today so I'll get some rest at home after taking you to the dorm." He answered. "Oh okay!" I said happily, still smiling. Honestly, all I was thinking about was Sunghoon. I just can't get him out of my head these days. I check my phone because there was a notification. It was Gaeul unnie.


Yah! Spill the tea!

Huh? What do you mean?

What did Sunghoon
Say to you earlier after
Your interview with Kep1er?

What are you talking about
He didn't say anything.

Don't lie to me we were
Watching you guys live

I'll tell you at the dorm
Wait for me there.



Once again, my phone vibrated. It was Sunghoon this time. I quickly check what he sent and he said...

Wonyoung are you
Free tomorrow?

Yeah... Why?

I was wondering if
We could hang out with
The members...
They want to celebrate
You and Yujin's birthday

Oh okay! At our dorm?


Okay see you tomorrow then!

See ya


Oh right, we celebrated Yujin's birthday yesterday that's why we watched the movie she liked. We also gave her gifts and a cake! We're celebrating again tomorrow so I'm super excited!

Sunghoon's POV:
Yes! We can meet each other again tomorrow! We'll have a great time, I'm sure of it! Hanging out with all the members is the best. After half an hour, I finally arrive at the dorm once again and did my usual Friday routine. We ate dinner, watched another episode of Business Proposal for Sunoo and finally fell asleep.


All of the members wake up early and prepare for their meet-up. The Enhypen members buy some cake and balloons before they go to IVE's dorm and the IVE members wear their favorite, comfy outfits. The Enhypen members finally arrive at IVE's dorm by following Sunghoon's directions who has been to the cafe there before. "Wow hyung looks like you go here often." Jungwon said. "Aww he always wants to be with Wonyoung." Jay said, teasing him. "Guys don't do anything stupid once we get there and don't even think about embarrassing me infront of them." Sunghoon said. "Oh wow it's not like you don't embarrass us the most during meet-ups." Heesung said. "Just don't do anything silly!" Sunghoon said loudly. "OKAY OKAY WE GET IT." Jay said frustrated. They entered the building but security guards blocked them. "Excuse me sir. You can't enter the building unless you are artist under the entertainment." The security guard said. "Oh really? But I've been here before." Sunghoon said. Luckily, Leeseo was passing by and helped the members get in by saying they will celebrate together at their dorm and their manager allowed them to enter. The members finally got to the dorm and made themselves comfortable.

"Okay Wonyoung and Yujin are in their rooms. We locked them up together." Rei said. "What are they doing inside?..." Jake asked curiously. "I don't know but let them stay there for a while so we can prepare the balloons and stuff." Gaeul said. The members agreed and they started decorating the living room with balloons, banners, the cakes and more gifts! "Are you guys done?! We've been waiting here for an hour already!" Yujin yelled from her room. "ALMOST DONE!" All of them said in unison. After a few more minutes they were finally done and Liz put on blindfolds for Wonyoung and Yujin. She guides them to the living room and "SURPRISE!" They all exclaimed. They all sang happy birthday together and Wonyoung and Yujin blew out the candles. Meanwhile, Sunoo and Sunghoon pop the confetti canons making everyone scream because of the loud noise. "Now that we've blew the candles and everything, let's take some pics!" Rei said. Sunoo pulls out a selfie stick out of his bag and hands it over to Wonyoung and Yujin. They took so many pictures together that they forgot to dig in to the cake. "Okay that's enough pictures. I'm starving!" Jay said making the others laugh. They dig in to the cake and other food they bought until they were so full. "I haven't eaten that much in centuries!" Sunoo said happily. "Same~ should we play our games now?" Leeseo asked. All of them agreed and Yujin bought out a lie detector. "Let's play the game of truths." Yujin said with a smirk. The others felt nervous but they just start the game with Wonyoung.

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