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"Oh right! It was Wonyoung's birthday yesterday!" Sunoo exclaimed.

The room was filled with silence and the members finally realized who Sunghoon actually gave the chocolates to. "Shoot." Sunghoon mumbled to himself. "Ohhh so hyung gave the chocolates to Wonyoung?" Jungwon said with a smirk. Niki started to crack up and Sunghoon still denied it. "Yah Park Sunghoon! You don't have to lie to us. Plus it's just a birthday gift. Or is it?" Heesung teased. "Of course it's just a birthday gift." Sunghoon answered. "So it really was for Wonyoung! Daebak." Sunoo said while clapping his hands. "Oh look hyung's blushing." Niki pointed out. "No I'm not! I'm just embarrassed because all of you keep teasing me!"

Sunghoon said trying not to smile. The members started laughing at him and continued eating. "But hyung. How did you give Wonyoung the chocolates? Like, where did you meet and what did you say to her when you gave your present to her." Sunoo asked. "Well... The members helped me with that." Sunghoon said.



Date: 08/19/22
After the music bank interview with IVE, Sunghoon and the other IVE members, (except Wonyoung) were going back to their respective rooms and were walking down the hallway. Just then, Sunghoon suddenly brings up Wonyoung's birthday that's coming in a few weeks. The IVE members decided they will give Wonyoung gifts and Sunghoon also wanted to. So they made a plan. Since it's the weekend tomorrow, the six of them decided to meet up at a cafe behind Starship Entertainment's building that no one knows about since it's only open to the artists in the entertainment. There, Sunghoon and the members discuss about how they will surprise Wonyoung next week. First, before their next music bank interview on Friday next week, they will make Sunghoon write what he will give to Wonyoung and what date will his schedule be clear. Then, the members will write where Sunghoon will give the gift to Wonyoung. They will write this down on a small piece of paper and keep it in their pockets until the end of the interview, once they're walking in the hallway they will pass those pieces of paper to each other and they will read it once they're in their respective rooms. The members checked Sunghoon's paper and he was available on Sunday, 9:00pm. Luckily, the members were too and they got permission to go out that day.



"Ohhh how smart of you guys." Heesung said. "Yeah but where did you and Wonyoung meet?" Jay asked. "Well we met at the cafe again and I just gave her the chocolates." Sunghoon answered.


The members told Wonyoung that for her birthday they would be going somewhere and Wonyoung didn't know that it was the cafe. When they bought her there, she was shocked by the fact that Sunghoon was there with them. "What's Sunghoon doing here? Won't he get in trouble for being here?" Wonyoung asked. "Don't worry we got it all planned" Yujin said. The members nodded and they took a seat. "So Wonyoung, Sunghoon wanted to give you a gift for your birthday today," Gaeul said proudly. "Uh yeah... Happy birthday Wonyoung!" Sunghoon said while giving some chocolates to Wonyoung with a smile. He also took out a bunny plushy and handed it to her. "This is all I could give but I hope you like it," Sunghoon said shyly, looking down. "Thank you Sunghoon! It's so cute!" Wonyoung exclaimed, her eyes sparkled with joy when she saw the gift. "Unnie liked it!" Leeseo exclaimed. "Plan success guys!" Rei cheered. Sunghoon chuckled a bit. "When did y'all plan this?" Wonyoung asked, glancing at her members. "Well, we literally had to be sneaky on this one. During our music bank interview last Friday, we agreed to go here to plan." Liz explained. "Thank you so much, guys!" Wonyoung beamed. Sunghoon then stood up and said, "I'll get going now. Happy birthday again Wonyoung!" "You're going already?" Yujin asked. "I have some spare time..." Sunghoon said. "Then come eat and celebrate with us," Rei said. Sunghoon agreed and they enjoyed their time together. The members thanked Sunghoon at the end of the day and they went back to their dorms with a smile on their faces.


We went back to our dorm happily because our plan worked smoothly. Wonyoung was so happy! The members got to their dorm and took a seat on their sofa. "Looks like someone loved the gift Sunghoon gave." Yujin said, teasing Wonyoung.

"Who wouldn't like this though? Yummy chocolates and a cute stuffed toy" Wonyoung said. "We gave you gifts too!" Rei yelled from the other room. "Thanks guys!" Wonyoung exclaimed and went to her room happily still hugging her new bunny stuffed toy. "YAH SHARE THOSE CHOCOLATES WITH US!" Yujin yelled from the living room. "I DON'T WANNA!" Wonyoung yelled. "Don't worry unnie, she will give you guys some once I ask for a piece." Leeseo said with smile, walking to her room. Yujin just laughed and went back to her room to rest.


Back to Enhypen at 09/01/22:

"Didn't know you were that sweet to others," Jake said. "I give you gifts too!" Sunghoon exclaimed. "THEN WHERE'S OUR CHOCOLATE?" Jay questioned. "SUNOO FINISHED IT ALREADY." "YAH! I SHARED SOME WITH YOU!" "YEAH, YEAH, AS IF."

Niki rolled his eyes, finishing his food. "I'm done." He said, walking back to his room without a word. "Not even gonna help wash the dishes, Niki?" Jay asked. "Nope," he replied arrogantly, shutting the door. "As usual," Jungwon said.

The members finally finished all their food after all that talking and now, they wanted to decide who will wash the dishes. Of course they played rock, paper, scissors and Jay and Jungwon had to do the dishes. The members just sat back and relaxed while using their phones, while Niki was in the bedroom, playing games.


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