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Sunghoon's POV:
I exited the elevator of our building that took me to the ground floor and look around, trying to find Jay. "Hyung? Where is he?" I ask myself. I look at the entract of our building and see Jay, walking to me with a fake smile on his face. "Hyung. What's wrong. Something doesn't feel right." I say. "Let's talk about it in private later. Let's go to the restaurant?" Jay asks, exiting the building. I sigh and follow him. Why did he leave the building though? I ask myself. We walk to the nearby restaurant where he booked a private room for us. The waiter leads us to the room, giving us the menu and cups of water. "Good morning sir. How can I help you?" The waiter asks with a bright smile on his face. "I'll order the steak and some champagne." Jay says. "How about you?" Jay asks. "Uh... I'll have the steak as well. It looks delicious." Sunghoon says, looking at the menu. "Coming right up! It might take a few minutes though." The waiter says. "It's alright." Jay replies. The waiter leaves our room and shuts the door quietly. "So, what happened earlier?" I ask, curious. "So you saw me outside the building right?..." Jay asks. "Yeah, why?" I ask. "While waiting for you I got a message from Gaeul and she told me to meet her at Han River. So I ran fast and there I see her." Jay says. "Don't tell me..." I couldn't continue as I already knew what happened. Jay nodded and looked at this hands, fidgeting with them. "Why though?" I ask, clueless. "That's what I don't know." Jay replies. Fifteen minutes later our food arrives and of course, we had to take pictures. You know how much our fans want to know what we're doing and if we already ate. We uploaded the pictures on Weverse and put down our phones, getting ready to eat the juicy steak infront of our eyes. "Makes my mouth water." I said, chuckling, trying to make Jay smile. Jay puts a fake smile on his face and looks down at his food sadly. "Things will get better soon hyung. I promise you." I assure him. He nods and proceeds to eat his food.

Gaeul's POV:
I walk back to our dorm, looking like a mess as I cried on the way back. I didn't want my members to worry about me anymore, especially Wonyoung, I know she's going through a lot already. I quickly enter the dorm silently and was greeted by the members. "Gaeul unnie! Where were you?" Liz asks. "I just went outside to get some fresh air." I said, walking quietly to the bathroom to wash up. "Did i make the right decision? What if I messed up once again?" I asked myself, uncertain of my decisions.

We knew something was going on. As we spent more time with each other this year, the more we got close to each other. We felt each others' pain, when someone felt down, everyone will feel the same and of course, we can tell when something isn't right. "What do you think happened? She's been like this earlier this morning as well." Rei stated. "I noticed that too..." Leeseo agreed. "I did see her chatting with Jay earlier before she left..." Yujin said. "Yeah I saw her too..." Wonyoung said, worried.

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