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"Wow I'm so tired..." Yujin said, yawning while sitting on the sofa at their dorm. Liz sat beside her and said, "Same. Who will use the restroom first?" Liz asked. "Definitely not Gaeul. Her nickname isn't sloth for nothing." Wonyoung said, teasing her unnie. "I'm not that slow..." Gaeul said. "Yujin should go first. She gets ready the fastest." Rei said. Yujin agreed and picked her night time clothes, went to the restroom and took a quick shower. While Yujin was in the restroom, the members were talking about their day with Enhypen.

"Okay so Wonyoung and Gaeul had a day with their boyfies today~" Liz said. "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Gaeul and Wonyoung said in unison. "You sure about that? Wonyoung, you literally said you liked Sunghoon and he likes you back. Why don't you just tell him? It's so obvious already." Rei said. "I can't. I'll do so when our mc contracts end." Wonyoung said seriously. "Why wait that long though?" Liz asked. "To avoid dating rumors. You know how much we will struggle as a group when they find out one of us likes someone." Wonyoung answered. "Oh...right." Liz said. "Okay but. Gaeul unnie and Jay earlier were so...cute." Leeseo said. "Leeseo...I don't like him." Gaeul said. "But you were blushing hard when you found out Jay liked you. That only means you like him too." Rei said. "Mhm." Leeseo said. "Gaeul unnie is inlove~" Wonyoung said. "No I'm not!" Gaeul exclaimed. "Don't worry. You're secret's safe with us." Liz said. "Oh right. Didn't you and Sunghoon have a special stage this Friday?" Rei asked. "Yeah. I'm still a bit nervous because it's been a long time since we've performed together." Wonyoung said.

"I'm done!" Yujin said, exiting the bathroom in her night time clothes. After half an hour, all of them finished using the restroom and was about to go to their rooms until Wonyoung's phone rang.

Leeseo immediately gathers beside Wonyoung and look at her phone. "OH UNNIE'S BOYFRIEND IS CALLING!" Leeseo exclaimed. "YAH!" Wonyoung exclaimed, hitting Leeseo arm. "Leeseo come here. Let the two talk." Yujin said with a smirk on her face.

Wonyoung answers the phone and goes to her room, making sure to lock the door.

Sunghoon's POV:
I just finished preparing to go to bed when something suddenly came to my mind. "Hm... Should I call her?" I said to myself. I just take out my phone and find Wonyoung's contact to call her. After a few seconds she answered which made a smile appear on my face.

"Why did you call Sunghoon?..." Wonyoung asked, lying down on her bed. "Just because. I wanted to talk to you before I sleep." Sunghoon said in a sleepy voice making Wonyoung feel butterflies in her stomach. "What you wanna talk about?" Wonyoung asked. "I have something to tell you..." Sunghoon began.

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