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It was time for Sunghoon and Wonyoung's final practice for their special stage tomorrow. But...the dance mentor didn't seem to come. The two waited and waited. It was already 6:00pm and they were supposed to start at 3:00pm. While waiting, the two were practicing by themselves. After half an hour, their dance teacher finally came. "Sir! It's been 3 hours! Where were you?" Sunghoon asked. "I'm so sorry you two but there was a family emergency...I hope you understand." The dance teacher said. "What happened sir? Is your family okay?" Wonyoung asked worriedly. "Yes. They're in the hospital right now. They got in a car crash..." The dance mentor said. "I'm so sorry about that... You should stay with them for a while. We can practice by ourselves." Sunghoon said. "No, no. I bought my colleague here. He will be the one to be with you today. Practice for atleast 30 minutes together." The dance mentor said. The two nodded and their new teacher enter the dance room.

"Good evening. I'm Yoon Youngmin. I'll be replacing my colleague for today." The man said in a serious voice. The two felt awkward and uncomfortable with the man...he just seemed...a bit off. The two just brush it off and continued their dance session with their temporary dance teacher. Things were going smoothly and it was finally time to go home. "Thank you sir for being with us today." Wonyoung said with a smile. The man smiled creepily at her sending shivers through Wonyoung's spine. "Thank you sir..." Sunghoon said awkwardly. The two leave the dance room and Sunghoon approaches Wonyoung. He grabs her arm tightly and says, "Come with me tonight." leaving Wonyoung confused. "You never know what that man can do." Sunghoon continued. Wonyoung sighed and looked away. Sunghoon makes Wonyoung face her and says, "I know you're creeped out right now. So am I. So please don't walk alone to your dorm today. Let me come with you." Sunghoon said. Wonyoung nodded and they started walking to IVE's dorm. That's when they heard heavy footsteps behind them. Wonyoung was shivering in fear. Sunghoon holds Wonyoung's arm even tighter and looks behind them.

They see...nothing. "Let's go before they come back." Wonyoung said. That's when someone grabs Wonyoung's other arm making Wonyoung scream. She looks behind and sees a man in a black hoodie. "LET GO!" Wonyoung exclaimed in fear. Her heart was beating fast as she was terrified. She didn't know what to do... "If I were you I would let go." Sunghoon said. "What if I don't?" The mysterious figure asked. "Oh, you'll regret this." Sunghoon said. "What are you gonna do? Cry for help?" The man said, laughing creepily. "Yoon Youngmin?" Wonyoung asked as she can tell who the guy was based on his voice. "Run." Sunghoon whispered in Wonyoung's ear. "Give me Wonyoung and you'll go back to your dorm untouched." The man said. Sunghoon slowly let go of Wonyoung's arm, signaling Wonyoung to rush to the dorm. Instead, Wonyoung took Sunghoon and they both ran together. "YAH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Sunghoon exclaimed, running to the dorm. "YOU IDIOT! EVEN IN THESE SITUATIONS, YOU KEEP TRYING TO ACT COOL!" Wonyoung exclaimed. They run to the dorm and enter quickly, leaving the man behind. The man who was left outside smirked and says, "Such fools. I'll get you soon Jang Wonyoung. Just you wait. You will pay for what your sister did." The man left the front of the building and called his brother, the two's dance mentor.

Yujin's POV:
Someone suddenly came into our dorm while I was scrolling on my phone and it was Sunghoon and Wonyoung. They looked so out of breath. I approach them and asked, "Why are you guys so out of breath?" My eyes shift to the two's hands, interlocked with each other. "There was this creep- Outside- Pretending- To be a- Dance teacher-" Wonyoung said, trying to catch her breath. Sunghoon couldn't even say anything and just let out a big sigh. "Despite you guys being in a horrifying situation, you two are still holding hands." I said, smirking. Sunghoon slowly lets go but Wonyoung holds his hand again. "Don't let go. I feel safe with you." Wonyoung said, looking deeply into Sunghoon's eyes.

"Wow. Looks like you weren't attacked by a maniac a minute ago." I said. The two didn't respond and was busy staring at each other. "Okay I'm out. I don't want to feel single again." I said. I walk to my room and lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

Sunghoon's POV:
The amount of butterflies I got when Wonyoung said that to me...Those brown eyes staring deeply into my eyes...You drive me crazy my love. I can't take my eyes off you.

A few seconds later Wonyoung breaks the eye contact and lets go of Sunghoon's hand. "S-sorry...I couldn't help it." Wonyoung said, making my face turn red even more. "Don't say sorry my love. I won't mind if you hold my hand all day." I said, still staring at her. Wonyoung giggles at me and I got confused. "Why?" I asked, also giggling. "Your face is so red." Wonyoung said, laughing at me. "Jang Wonyoung what have you done to me?!" I asked, covering my face, embarrassed. She just laughed at me but her smile fades away suddenly. "What's wrong?..." I asked, worried. "Why do you think sir bought that guy as a replacement... What if sir is actually a bad person?..." Wonyoung asked. "Don't worry, I'm sure sir can be trusted. Maybe he didn't know what kind of a person his colleague actually was." I said. Wonyoung just nodded and I messaged my members that he won't be coming to the dorm this night.

"I'll just sleep on the sofa. Goodnight my love." I said. "Yah...why would you sleep there?" Wonyoung asked. "Why? Do you want to sleep on the same bed?" I said, laughing. Wonyoung looked away and just said, "You can sleep in my room if you want to." Wonyoung heads to her room and I get up the sofa. I follow her and enter her room. "I thought you'll sleep on the sofa..." Wonyoung said. "But you said I can sleep in your room with you." I said, smiling. I lay down on her bed and open my arms. "No cuddles tonight?" I asked, pouting. Wonyoung shook her head and just laid down beside me. "Goodnight Baekku." Wonyoung said softly. "Goodnight~" I said. Wonyoung turned to her right side and laid comfortably on her bed. I turn to the right and hug her from behind. "What are you doing?..." Wonyoung asked. "Hugging you. I know you like it." I said. Wonyoung didn't respond and I just hugged her tighter. A few minutes later we both fell asleep together.

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