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Sunghoon sits down quietly infront of his manager's desk, trying to make himself comfy, although he was feeling really tense.

"I have something to tell you..." His manager began. The air in the room was cold and Sunghoon can't sit still, fidgeting with his hands.

"What should I be expecting from this conversation sir?..." Sunghoon asked, letting out a sigh. He knew it was more bad news.

"Well, it's not what you expect. I've actually thought about it and I realized, I was wrong." His manager replied.

Sunghoon stopped fidgeting and raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean sir?" he questioned. This was exactly the opposite of what he was expecting. He thought it'd be about dating or going on a hiatus once again but when his manager replied, he was completely confused.

His manager chuckled and made himself comfy on his wheeled chair behind his organized desk. "I gave it some thought and I want to inform you that, you're right, just because you're an idol in this company, doesn't mean you can't have romantic feelings towards a colleague." He explained.

His eyes lit up and you can see the excitement in his face, "Soooo does this mean..." Sunghoon smiled.

"We have a few conditions of course. We'll do everything to defend you incase of rumors but PLEASE just PLEASE don't be too obvious. Don't go to IVE's dorm, don't meet up with Wonyoung in public places, or anyplace where you'll get caught." His managered pleaded.

"Yes sir!" He exclaimed happily, although, seeing his manager look down and visibly hesitating to say something made him worried... Is there something else to talk about? He wondered.

"But don't get your hopes up that much, we'll have to reach out to Starship Entertainment about this and if they agree, then there will be no problem." He informed him, seeing the frown on Sunghoon's face made him hesitate to say the next part...

"But if they don't, then I'm sorry, but there will be no other solution but to go your separate ways." He finished.

Sunghoon looked down and sighed, "so there's still a chance we can't be together, huh?" he asked, disappointed. The manager nodded.

"But there's still a chance they will approve of this, but my advice for you is that you spend time together now before we send anything to Starship Entertainment. Because once Starship denies, you two can't be together anymore. Even if the public doesn't see you." His manager told him.

Sunghoon was left with mixed emotions, he didn't know what to say and how to express what he was feeling. Yeah, he was happy that his manager allows it... But the chances of Starship denying is high and he knows how things will go if that happens.

His manager opens the door for him, signaling him that he may exit his office. "Thank you for your time, Sunghoon. I know you've been so worked up today but you still made the effort to come here. You're doing great." he assured the guy. "Thank you too, manager-nim" Sunghoon replied, making his way out of the office.


Wonyoung's POV:
I got to Starship entertainment's building, frustrated as I stand outside. They really know how to call at the wrong times huh? Can't I spend time with my sister in peace for once? I sigh and enter the building, greeting the staff and quickly making my way to my manager's office using the escalators, hoping the conversation would go smoothly so I could make my way back to my sister's.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." I said sheepishly. "Good afternoon, Wonyoung. Take a seat." Her manager instructed. "I'm sorry for taking up your time this weekend. I'll be straightforward with you." she began. "So I'm sure you're aware about the dating rumors that's been going on until this day." she finished and I sighed. "Ma'am, I'm sorry but wasn't this done a year ago? Haven't people forgotten about that already?" I asked impatiently, a visible frown on my face.

"I'm sorry Wonyoung but we just got an email from HYBE entertainment asking for approval for you and Sunghoon's relationship." she said firmly. "You know how hard it was for our campany and HYBE entertainment to deny all the rumors right? I apologise but I really can't approve this to HYBE." she said in a cold voice.

I felt my eyes starting to water and I clench my fist, gathering up the courage to respond.

"Ma'am shouldn't you ask me about these things first before denying HYBE's approval?" I asked, frustrated. "With all due respect ma'am, but this is my relationship and I have the right to have it privately without anyone interfering with it." I answered.

"Yeah, you're right. This is your relationship. And your relationship is giving our companies such a headache." the manager complained.

"Then don't deal with it in the first place and let us be!" I yelled instinctively.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell ma'am." I apologised quickly.

My manager scoffed, "Jang Wonyoung, doesn't mean you're an idol under our company doesn't mean you have the right to say these kinds of things to us." she answered, raising her voice.

"Ma'am if this is all we're going to talk about then I shall leave this room now. I don't care about all the things you say to me and Sunghoon, atleast HYBE approved our relationship and respected us." I got up my seat, getting my bag. "I'll still see Sunghoon whenever my schedule is free, nothing you can do about that." I said coldly what was on my mind, I'm tired of people controlling our lives. I get it, I'm an idol in a kpop industry, but that doesn't mean they can treat me like a puppet they're just playing with.

"You're getting quite brave, Wonyoung. But no, I will not allow this. You may not exit this building or your dorms to meet up with Sunghoon." she stood up as well.

"I will be sending body guards to watch over you wherever you go outside your dorm or outside our building. You're giving me no choice but to do this." she informed me.

"I won't approve of that either."

"Nothing you can do about it though. I'm sorry Wonyoung. Please forgive me. This is for the company."

"All you ever care about is the company. You never really cared about all the idols. You'll always have favoritism and be careless about your idol's well-being." I mumbled, leaving the room, escorted out by the guards. Tears escape from my eyes due to the overwhelming anger I was feeling.

As we exit the building, the guards questioned me, "Where should we take you miss?" making me feel uncomfortable. "To my sister's." I replied coldly.

They make me get on the company car and made sure I don't go anywhere else. Still not used to this to be honest. Although we're public figures and everyone is so strict and EVERYONE is watching us, it's still feels so weird. But the only thing I could think about now was to contact Sunghoon. Who knows? Maybe it's the last time we'll even talk.

🤍HIII GUYSSS here's the new chapter!!! I'm so sorry it took so long to upload (like it took a month im so sorry) but I really put so much effort into this chapter. It was hard getting out of the writer's block and writing chapters even during busy schedules but here you go!! I hope you liked this chapter as much as I did! Also, forgive me if there are any typos or grammatical errors. Anyways, that's all. Have a great day ahead and stay safeee! Thanks for reading!!

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