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Sunghoon's POV:
I get back to the dorm and all the focus is on me. "What?" I asked, annoyed. "Yah. What even happened?" Jake asked, wondering why Sunghoon's acting that way. "So, hyung? Did you find a way like you said you will?" Niki asked, glaring at me. "Well yeah, I did. I'm the only one going on hiatus and it's my last day at Music Bank this Friday." I answer, clenching my fist. "What?!" All of them ask, in disbelief. "W-why? Why will it be your last day at Music Bank this week? I thought you would make a way!" Jake exclaimed. "I tried. But there's always someone getting in the way." I said, looking away. "Who?" Sunoo asked, crossing his legs. "Maybe any of you know him? Yoon Youngmin?" I asked, taking a seat on the sofa. Jay immediately avoids eye contact and looks away, leaving us confused. "Jay? What do you know?" Heesung asked. "His father worked for our company alongside my dad. But then when our company started to become successful, he wasn't attending our company events because he was taking care of his children who had medical conditions. So yeah all the fame went to my dad and that's the reason they hold a grudge against us." Jay explained. "And you're telling us this now?" Heesung asked. "When else would I have told you about it? You guys never asked." Jay said. "Well screw it. Who cares about that. What we need to do is find out what happens to Sunghoon hyung over there." Niki says, glaring at me once again. "Why do I feel like Niki thinks I'm so hopeless right now?" I ask myself. "Because you are." Jungwon said, laughing at himself. I scoff and get up the sofa. "There's nothing wrong with me leaving music bank anyway. All I need to avoid is the company asking me to stay away from Wonyoung." I said, turning my back on the members. "Where are you going?" Sunoo asked, looking at me, clueless. "Just gonna rest in my room. I'm tired." I answer, closing the door to my bedroom. I start my phone which was in my pocket and see loads of missed calls from Wonyoung. "Shoot. My phone was off." I said to myself. I immediately call back Wonyoung and she doesn't answer. "Maybe she's busy...Yeah." I said to myself. That's when my phone rang and I immediately answer.

"Hi Sunghoon. Took you a while to answer." Wonyoung said, eating something. "Yeah sorry...my phone was off." I said. Wonyoung nods and remains silent. "Wonyoung I know this is sudden but I want to tell you something." I said, fidgeting with my fingers. "Is there something wrong?" She asks. "This week...It's my last Friday at Music Bank." I said, leaving her shocked. "What are you talking about? You're joking. Right?" Wonyoung asks, laughing. "I'm serious Wony...Someone else will replace me. And that someone has something up his sleeve." I said, clenching my fist. "Who? Who is it?! Why are you even getting replaced?!" Wonyoung exclaims, making me sigh. "My manager decided to replace me with a jerk because of a stupid article." I said, biting my lips in anger. "Tell me right now. Who is replacing you?" Wonyoung asks. "Who else but our temporary dance teacher Sir Yoon." I answer. "WHAT?! WHY HIM OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?! That's it if he is the one going to replace you I'm leaving Music Bank all together. No way I'm working alongside that jerk!" Wonyoung exclaims, obviously not satisfied with the situation. "You can't just leave Wonyoung. I need you to be there. Keep on eye on him for me so that we can find out more about his plan." I said. "Why? We haven't even found out who wrote the article. Shouldn't we focus on finding that person first so we can sue him?" Wonyoung asked. "Well we found him already. If you check the picture carefully you will see his face reflecting on the windows of his car. There's only one person we know that looks like that." I said, smiling. "Oh. Him?" Wonyoung knew exactly who I was talking about. "So basically he became our dance teacher to spy on us?" Wonyoung asked. "Yeah. I mean, what else would he be doing there." I reply. "But why is he doing this in the first place? Because of the accident caused by my sister to his father?" Wonyoung asked. "What accident?" I asked, clueless. "Long story short my sister got drunk and accidentally hit her father who crossed the pedestrian lane when the light was red." Wonyoung explained. "That could be the main reason for this. We can't blame anyone though...He crossed the lane when the light was red. The cars were supposed to go and people were supposed to stop." I thought. "Exactly." Wonyoung agreed.

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