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When Wonyoung and Minhyuk got to the police station, they spot Wooyoung talking to an officer...they find out that they will be taking her to the court...


"Jang Wooyoung, you a sentenced to 5 years of prison or a fine of 15 million won!" The judge exclaimed. Wooyoung wasn't surprised, she caused a big accident after all. But, that wasn't all. Youngmin was also there... "Yoon Youngmin, you are sentenced to 10 years of prison or a fine of 30 million won for violating traffic rules and serious injury of three people!" His family sighed, they have no choice but to follow the judge's order.


Wooyoung was now behind a glass panel, sitting on a chair in the visiting room and Wonyoung was talking to her... "Sis, take care. We will pay for your fine. We'll take care of everything." Wonyoung assured. "Unnie...please come here from time to time." Wooyoung said, looking down. "Don't worry, I will." Wonyoung said. "Love...I'll help with paying the fine, I'll make sure to get you out of there. I'll be here to bring you food, don't skip meals and take care of yourself and our baby." Minhyuk said. "Of course Minhyuk." Wooyoung answered. Minhyuk and Wonyoung leave the police station and came across Youngmin's family. Wonyoung exchanged glances with Youngmin's brother and his parents. The family was furious and walked away in anger, leaving Wonyoung and Minhyuk behind.

Youngmin's POV:
I was in the room where you wait for your visitors. I was infuriated. "Aish what am I supposed to do in here? Just sit down?!" I asked myself, bored. Just then my family walking towards me, even my mother was there. "Look what you've done to yourself!" my mother exclaimed. "We'll try to earn money to pay for the fine. We're being too kind to you right now but we can't stand seeing you behind bars." My brother said. "Why do you even care at this point?" I questioned them. "Because you're part of the family! Can't you at least be grateful we're working our butts off for you?!" My father yelled. "We'll visit you from time to time. Take care of yourself. Don't even try doing anything stupid." my brother said coldly. "You better behave." my mother said. They all leave me behind without even looking back. "They better get me out of here." I said to myself.

Wonyoung's POV:
Minhyuk drove me back to the hospital so I could visit Sunghoon and the others again. "Thank you Minhyuk for dropping me off here. Please, do take care of Wooyoung..." I said. "No problem Wonyoung-ssi. And yes, of course I'll take care of her for you when you're busy." Minhyuk said with a sad smile. "I'll get going now" I turned my back against him as he drived away. I then entered the near-by convenience store to buy some snacks and fruits for the two, and their driver who got injured as well. I came out the store with a bunch of stuff..."Wow, it's kinda heavy." I said to myself. I rushed inside the hospital and put the snacks inside Sunghoon and Jay's room. "You can share these snacks and fruits with each other. I'll just give the rest to the driver." I said. I leave the room quietly and knock on the door opposite to their room. There was a doctor inside so I just asked her to give it to the guy. I sigh as the door closes infront of me. The other members already know about my sister's incident, I told them everything. I know well that one day later this will all be on the news. I didn't want to tell Sunghoon anything, I want him to rest and I don't want him to worry...

🌚Sorry for the late upload again... So many stuff we need to prepare for the school events T-T oh and if the chapter sounds so unrealistic its because I really know nothing about the law and it might be a quite awkward chapter. But still, I hope yall like it! Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors!

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