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Wooyoung's POV:

It's getting dark and my husband was coming home. I was still anxious about discussing with him that I wanna turn myself in and put myself behind bars rather than paying for the fine. "How am I gonna tell him this?" I asked myself. I know I'll probably end up paying the penalty in the end though. I was still stuck in my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door. I sigh, opening it to reveal my husband, happy to see me. He gives me a sweet smile and hugs me tight. "Minhyuk...I think it's time to tell you." I said.




"YEAH BUT...I could go to jail Minhyuk."

"I'm not letting that happen. I won't let my child be separated from their mother during their first days, weeks, months, and years here in this world."

"I don't want to pay the fine. It's unfair for the other people who can't afford to pay the penalty and have to go behind bars without being able to do anything!"

"Wooyoung. I appreciate you being thoughtful and kind but please, can you not think about the others this time. You've already been so considerate with everyone. It's time to put yourself first. Think about our child, think about what they will think when they find out you're not here for them."

I paused for a second, Minhyuk was right. I don't want my child to grow up without their mother by their side. "I'll pay for the penalty." I decided. "THANK YOU WOOYOUNG." Minhyuk exclaims. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing...I guess it's Wonyoung. "I'll just answer the call." I said. Minhyuk nods and sits silently beside me.

"Unnie! Where are you right now?" Wonyoung asks.

"At home... Why?"

"Alright" Wonyoung says, hanging up, leaving me confused. Maybe she wanted to check up on me? "Wonyoung's coming? Isn't she busy?" Minhyuk asks. I shrug, thinking about how she'll get to our apartment despite her busy schedule.

A few minutes have passed and we hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Wooyoung says. Minhyuk follows me and we see Wonyoung behind the door. "WONYOUNG! HOW DID YOU GET HERE SO FAST?" I ask. "Long story short, Sunghoon and Jay got into an accident and we were at the hospital near your apartment. I saw your message and decided to come here." Wonyoung says. "We don't have much time. Police might come here in a while." Wonyoung stated. "WHAT?" Minhyuk asks. "Yeah, but don't worry, we'll explain everything and just pay for the penalty. Okay?" Wonyoung asks. "Alright..." Wooyoung answers, anxious. "You see, Youngmin's brother just reported you to the police after their father recovered." Wonyoung explained. "Why only now did they do that?" Minhyuk asks. "Don't know, they're a confusing family." Wonyoung answered.

"Jang Wooyoung, You are under arrest for You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." A police said behind all of us. "It's time to go unnie. Me and Minhyuk will follow you to the station." Wonyoung said calmly. "But Wonyoung! You should take care of Sunghoon and prioritise your schedule first!" Wooyoung exclaimed. "AISH UNNIE! OF COURSE I WILL PUT YOU FIRST BEFORE MY SCHEDULE OR SUNGHOON" Wonyoung hissed. "Take care of Wooyoung please! She has a baby...." Minhyuk informed. The police nod, escorting Wooyoung out of the apartment. "Come on, let's go." Minhyuk said, taking the elevator to get to the basement. "I hope she'll be okay..." Minhyuk said as the two were on the elevator. "The police won't hurt her. I know they won't."

🤍The story is kinda coming to an end now! I hope you liked the chapter!! Im actually planning of making a few more chapters after the main stories for "behind-the-scenes" moments just for fun...Do you think I should make them??? Anyways, thank you so much for reading! Also, im so thankful y'all are patient with me, I hope y'all have a good day and stay safeee

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