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Wonyoung's POV:

I quickly head back inside the hospital after the talk with the police, excited to tell my sister about it. "Doc, when can I visit my sister?" I ask, approaching the doctor who I spoke with earlier. "We moved her to another room miss. Follow me." She said, leading me to the room. I open the door carefully, seeing my sister. "Unnie..." I said softly. "Wonyoung...you came..." She said with a weak smile on her face. Minhyuk who was beside her asked "Should I give the two of you some privacy?" Wooyoung nodded and Minhyuk quietly left the room. "How are you doing unnie?" I ask, looking at the baby beside her. "Kinda tired." She answered.

"What's her name?"

"Jang Jiyeon."


"You don't have any promotions today?"

"Well, we actually do at One pm..."

"What are you doing here then?"

"Unnie! Of course I have to be here! Do you know how worried I was about your condition! You always said you were fine!" I exclaimed, pouting.

"Your promotions should be your priority. You're members can't go if you won't. Plus, Minhyuk is here for me." She explained.

"Can I stay here first though? I want to check up on you. Also, I have good news."

"What is it?"





"No problem unnie. It's the least I could do. I don't even spend enough time with you..."

"Hey, I understand. You're a busy person. Lots of people out there are waiting for you to make an appearance on that promotion you're gonna have. By the way, is there anything you wanna open up to me while you're here? I wanna make the most out of our time together."

"I want to hear YOU open up first. What happened before you got here?"

"I actually had someone visit me, a friend of mine from high school. You know Jeongeun, right?"

"Yeah...you always used to hang out with her."

"When the police were about to take me back behind bars, you know what happened. Do I really have to explain?"

I shake my head. "So they rushed you to the hospital and Jeongeun called Minhyuk and Minhyuk called me."

Wooyoung nodded, sighing. "It was a very tiring experience actually."

"Of course...Have you been eating the food we've been dropping off at the police station?"

"Yeah. Did you make those?"

I nod, smiling.

"No wonder why it was so yummy."

"I used to drop by there everyday just to give you those bento boxes you loved."

"I don't know how you do it Wonyoung. With that packed schedule of yours. Right, it's already eleven o'clock. You should get going if you want to catch up with your members."

Just then my phone was rang, vibrating in my pocket.

"You should definitely answer that call. Just call Minhyuk for me, okay?"

"Alright unnie. Take care of yourself and Jiyeon! Just call me if you need anything!"

"Yes, yes. Bye, Wonyoung..thank you for being here for me. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

I exit the room and call Minhyuk who was sitting outside the room. "Minhyuk...take care of her and Jiyoung okay?" "Of course. Thank you for coming here Wonyoung. I hope you do well on your promotions." "Thank you so much." I said with a smile, taking out my phone to see who called as he entered the room. "Sunghoon?" I mumbled to myself.

I leave the hospital, calling him again. "Hoon? Why did you call?" I asked. "Where are you? Me and Jay finally got discharged!" He exclaimed. I could hear the joy in his voice, making me smile. "I just took care of my sister for a while. Do you want to meet later at the park after IVE's visit at Weekly Idol?" I ask. "Sure! I'll see you there!" He beamed. "I gotta go now Baekku, I'll call you back later." I giggled. "Okayyy" He said, ending the call. I felt bad, not being there for him when he got discharged...

"Right! I have to get back to the dorm!" I exclaim, rushing back. "I hope they're still there..." A few minutes later I got back and I saw my fellow members about to go out. "Wonyoung! We were about to leave without you! Go and get ready! Make it quick!" Yujin exclaimed. "Alright!" I yelled, quickly dressing up and fixing my hair.

"Today is gonna be a long day." I said. I get out of my room and hurry to the van where Leeseo and Rei were waiting for me. The other members got into the other van. "Good thing you made it unnie!" Leeseo exclaimed. "Yeah...Anyways, how's Wooyoung unnie?" Rei asked, concerned. "Fortunately, she's doing well but of course, police are still guarding her." I explained.


All the members sat down, getting their hair and make-up done for the interview. Wonyoung brushed her hair, and after a few minutes of silent indecisiveness, she settled on her usual wavy hairdo. She picked out and wore a fuchsia pink sweater and a black skirt, tightened with a belt and accessorized with a pearl necklace.

Rei tied her hair in a pretty half-up do, decorating it with a black ribbon. She also wore a black sweater, and paired it with a vermillion red pencil skirt, fixing the velvet bow adorning its left side.

Yujin, IVE's leader, smoothened her luscious brown hair down and wore a sky blue sweater along with her tight black skirt. Of course, we can't forget Leeseo, their maknae, who was wearing a puffy, light pink sweater and had her hair down as well. She wore an aubergine set of patterned overalls over it, and clasped a necklace on her bare neck.

Liz had combed her thick blonde hair down, straightening the baby blue and white checkered cardigan she wore, and she also had a light grey skirt, fluttering at the ends and complimenting the cardigan.

Finally, Gaeul, the eldest member, had her lime green jacket on top of her fitted white t-shirt, paired perfectly with the chocolate brown skirt she wore. They all glanced at each other, smiling at each other's outfits. Suddenly- "In 5 minutes we will be making our way to the studio to shoot!" their manager exclaimed. "Okay!" the members said in unison. They check themselves one last time in the mirror before they left, either making a bunch of noise or nervously fiddling their skirts.

(tysm Kazumi_Aya for helping me with this part ur a total life saver 💗)


"Gaeul unnie~ did you visit Jay already?" Wonyoung asked. "Nope...I didn't get to. We will meet later though. I heard they finally got discharged!" Gaeul squealed, jumping for joy. "Yes!!" Wonyoung exclaimed. "Are you gonna visit Sunghoon?" Gaeul whispered in Wony's ear. She nodded, smiling at Gaeul.

🙌Here's the new chapter yall have been waiting for! IM VERY VERY VERY SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. I've been really busy with school... Thank you so much for being so patient with me. I hope you liked the chapter! Thanks for all the reads and votes! I couldnt thank yall enough! Without you, this story i made wouldn't be a successful one. So, thank you for all your support. I really appreciate it! 💗💗

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