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Jang Wooyoung's POV:

I get back home from work and took a quick shower to cleanse myself. After doing so, I was chilling on my bed, done with my skin routine and scrolling on my phone. That's when I hear keys trying to open the door. It was Minhyuk, my husband. I exit my bedroom and ran up to him, giving him a big hug. "I missed you Minhyuk...You haven't come home for days." I said, hugging him tightly. "Sorry Wooyoung...I had sooo much work to do...How are you feeling?" Minhyuk asked softly. "M-me? I'm okay...our baby is too..." I said nervously. And yes we have a baby we don't know the gender yet so we couldn't make a name. Minhyuk really wanted a girl but any gender is fine for me as long as our baby is healthy and kind. "Is there something wrong Wooyoung?..." Minhyuk asked, worried. I couldn't answer. No, I shouldn't. "I'll just go to my room for a while Minhyuk..." I said anxiously. Minhyuk looked confused and grabbed my wrist, pulled me back, and wrapped his hands around my waist. We talked for a while but for some reason the conversation started getting rocky. "Wooyoung you can tell me anything...What's wrong?" Minhyuk asked.I refused to answer and just said, "I'll tell you when the time is right." "What do you mean?! Is it about the baby?!" Minhyuk asked loudly making me flinch. "N-no it's not about the baby. Now please, let me go to my room." I said. Minhyuk slowly lets go of my hand and I lock the door to my bedroom, sobbing. "What have I done?" I asked myself.


I was driving to our apartment after work, as usual, listening to my favorite music on the radio and singing along. I stop when the traffic light turns red and continue jamming to the song. The light turns green and I pass the pedestrian lane...And that's where the problem begins. What I failed to notice was a person suddenly ran in front of all the cars, even though the light was already red for the crossers because I was too busy listening to the loud music. But once I hit the brakes...It was too late. I started to panic and I didn't know what to do. I quickly accelerate and drive away from the place as fast as possible, hoping no one noticed I was the one who crashed into the person. I get back home and I couldn't stay still...how am I gonna tell Minhyuk and Wonyoung? What if Minhyuk breaks up with me because he thinks I'm a bad person...No, that can't happen. We have our child. But what about Wonyoung? Aish! What am I gonna do now?! Wait...Did I just kill a person? No. That can't be! He's alive. Right?...

I burst into tears and sit on the the floor, crying. I couldn't do anything else but break down. Hiding so many secrets from my loved ones...I feel so guilty. I sigh, "They'll find out one day. But for now, I need to tell Wonyoung about the baby." I said to myself. And yes I also didn't tell her about it...Well it's reasonable I've only been 3 weeks pregnant. But what about the car incident? I thought to myself. I knew I couldn't think straight tonight so I just lay down on my bed and fell asleep, crying on my pillow.

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