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"Nayeon unnie is alright"

"And she's still mad at Jeongyeon unnie?"

"Yeah, I can tell"

"I know everything is gonna be alright. I hope she can forgive Jeongyeon unnie already"

"I'm sure Nayeon unnie can't resist her because I know how much she loves her"

"I hope so"Tzuyu said as she caressed Sana's hair, she was now resting her head over the younger's lap. They were just resting there after a tiring activity.

"Tzuyu ah"


"I love you"

Tzuyu smiled as she reached for Sana's forehead and kiss it.

"I love you too"

Moments of silence and,


"Yeah, what is it?"


Sana can't find a word to speak as Tzuyu made her sat up. The older got her hands on her chest, having a difficulty of breathing?


But, close.

"What are you feeling right now? Does your chest hurt?"Sana just nodded

Tzuyu closed her eyes for a meantime. Maybe that was because of the sudden increase in physical activity earlier.

"My arms hurts"Sana muttured

"Shit- what about your shoulder and neck? Does it hurt?"

Sana respond with slight nod as Tzuyu loosen her tight clothing and replaced it with a normal one.

"I'll just take out your medicine"Tzuyu immediately ran to the said place and came back after as she helped Sana drink the medicine

But still, the pain does not go away promptly with rest and within 3 minutes. So she needed to do the next step, she called for an emergency medical help.

Sana's unresponsive anymore as she layed her down and decided to do CPR. She push hard and fast on the center of her chest in a fairly rapid rhythm— about 100 to 120 compressions a minute.

After a while and the ambulance already arrived on their way. She immediately rushed her inside and stay by her side. She was silently praying that her instincts wasn't right. Sana is okay, she's fine. This was just a normal attack and not something else.

In a right period of time, they finally arrived to the hospital. She immediately take her to the emergency room and called for Dr. Hong's for help. He was Sana's personal doctor so she needed to call him right now.

"Dr. Hong is not around"

"Shit! What can I do?"Tzuyu frustratedly ran her hands through her hair

"I can take care of this. . ."Mingyu stands out
"If you will just let me"he added

Tzuyu didn't hesitate to nod as Dr. Kim Mingyu take out his stethoscope, listening to her heartbeat.

"Did you checked her heartbeat already?"

"Y-yes yes yes. I already did the first aid"

"What really happened?"

"We were just resting when she suddenly felt a tight band of pain around her chest. But when suddenly, the pain moves from her chest to her arms, shoulder, and neck"Tzuyu paused as she glance at Sana, holding herself from tearing up
"What could be the pain mean? Could it be a heart attack, could it be the big one?"she asked, hoping it wasn't

"You need to calm down, Nurse Chou. We can get her to do a blood test"


Tzuyu just stayed at the waiting room as it wasn't the best situation to be in. Sana's friends and hers as well were now in the scene. As they just waited there when Dr. Kim Mingyu appeared, she can't even tell what's with those eyes he's showing right now, but it gaves her goosebumps.

"What is it now, Dr. Kim?"

"Tzuyu, I'm sorry to say this but. . .

Mingyu paused for a while as he watches Sana's friend's reaction.

". . . Sana had Cardiovascular disease"

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