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"Just a minutes"Sana mutturred before walking away

"Sana. . . Where are you going?"Tzuyu asked, afraid that Sana's going to leave her like what happened to her dream. She can't take it if ever that happens.

"Uhh why?"Sana glanced back, raising one of her eyebrows but answered anyways
"I'm going to change clothes, you know I've been staying here without changing because I wanted to be with you 24/7"she giggled

"And then?"Tzuyu said seriously, which confuses Sana

"Then, I will go home first. I need to get an important things. This will just be quick, Tzuyu ah. Bye bye!"Sana turned her back and decided to walk away when,

"W-wait, Sana. Can I stay home now? I don't feel anything right now"

"You still can't"

"But can you please stay with me here at least?"Tzuyu pouted, it's just that- she doesn't want to lose her— not even losing one glance

"I'm just going to—


"Tzuyu, it's not that I'm leaving you for hours"Sana crossed her arms

"I don't want you to leave me"

"If you're thinking I will leave you then I won't. When I said I won't leave you, I mean it. I will not leave you"Sana patted her head before she gave it a kiss
"So? Can I go home now?"she asked

"Okay"Tzuyu nods

"Okay, I'll get going now"Sana stood up when Tzuyu held her hand, stopping her

"I will let you leave, under one condition. . ."Tzuyu had her smirk across her face

"Yeah yeah, what is it?"

"Give me a kiss"

"Is that so?"Sana went closer and gave her a peck on the lips
"Happy?"Tzuyu just gave her a smile


"I want one more"Tzuyu smiled sheepishly

Sana playfully rolled her eyes and leaned in, capturing the taller's lips. She was about to pull out when Tzuyu grabbed the back of her neck and forced their lips together in a very long and passionate kiss. Their lips started moving as Sana placed her arms over Tzuyu's shoulder.

She missed this, she really do.

Sana doesn't care anymore as she hovered on top of Tzuyu to straddle her lap as Tzuyu grabbed her waist for some support. Heat flooded all over their bodies. That very moment was filled with ecstasy as the younger slipped her tounge into Sana's mouth, making circles all over it. Sana felt her body going limp and a small but clear moan escaped her lips.

Sana was about to lift Tzuyu's shirt up when—

"Oh my goodness!"

That, that voice. . .

"No don't fucking look! Don't go inside!"

"Shit"Sana hurriedly jumped out on top of Tzuyu as her cheeks becomes red

"Girl, look what you've done"

"Ew, Nayeon unnie. So you're telling me we're gonna stay here until they finished?"

"That's not what I meant, Momo. We can just leave them alone so they can have their own business"

"From what you are doing right now, you already did"Dahyun stated

"I need to go now, Tzuyu ah. Bye!"Sana ran away with her face burst into shades of red

"She's so red!"Nayeon said, laughing her ass out

"That's why I'm reminding her that this place was still a hospital"Momo rolled her eyes

"That's normal. We're doing that as well, remember?"Dahyun suddenly said, which widened their eyes

"You did not—"Nayeon folded her arms

"You stupid, Tofu"Momo glared at her

"Tzuyu still needed to rest, come on"Nayeon pulled the two along

"But we just—"

"No more excuses, let's go"

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