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"Ms. Sana, you don't have to"Jihyo said

"It's okay, Jihyo"Sana smiled, still preparing for their dinner

"Aish, what can I do?"Sana just chuckled at that

"I'm home!"and that, Tzuyu's voice was heard

"Hi Tzuyu!"Sana quickly ran towards her

"S-Sana? Why are you here?"

They walked until they reached the dinning room.

"What's with the??"Tzuyu questioned

"I cooked that"Sana smiled

"All of that?"Tzuyu raised a brow

"Not really, I asked our cook to help me with these"Sana giggled

"She also prepared all of this- alone"Jihyo uttured

"Why didn't you—

"I wanted to prepare the foods, myself"Sana cutted her off

"Momo unnie said, you can't even do that in your own house"Tzuyu blurted out

"Tzuyu"Jihyo called, silently scolding her. It might be offensive to her or what, but then here her younger cousin.

"Why? What's wrong?"Tzuyu innocently asked

"Well, that's true but. . . I will help them from now on!"Sana said

"Okay"Tzuyu nods

"Shall we eat now?"

Suddenly, the door got opened, revealing Dahyun.

"What's up coconut!"Dahyun happily get inside
"Oh! There's a lot of foods!"she sat next to Jihyo

"A visit all of a sudden?"Jihyo crossed her arms

"It's just-- Oh! Ms. Minatozaki you're here?"Dahyun pointed at Tzuyu and her
"You're already friends?"she asked

"Ah? Yeah?"Tzuyu just nodded

Tzuyu was not actually sure, Sana just asked her that she wanted to be friends with her so she agreed.

And that's how we become friends!

In fact, she was not that hard to get close to, she might be very clingy sometimes but she knows she's kind.

"You can just call me Sana"

"Yeah yeah Sana! HAHAHA!"Dahyun awkwardly laugh

"As far as I know, no one invited you here"Tzuyu said

"That kinda hurts, bro!"Dahyun said, acting as if she was hurt

"I mean- I have a visitor here"Tzuyu said, referring to Sana

"No it's okay, Tzuyu"Sana assured

"See, that's totally fine! Can I eat now, please?"Dahyun pleaded

"Is it okay?"Tzuyu asked Sana

"Of course, you can eat anything"Sana just nods

"Thank you!"

"Good afternoon, Jihyo unnie"Chaeyoung then came with drinks on her hands
"I brought drinks as I knew you're eating at this time"she counted

"Chaeng!"Tzuyu hurriedly stood up and helped her

"Your cousin really have a favoritism"Dahyun whispered, which was clearly heard by Sana

"Is she really like that to you?"Sana asked

"Yes, like she's always teasing me and treating me this way, the same way as Xiaoting. But with Chaeyoung she's so sweet and caring, she's unfair, isn't she?"Dahyun pouted

"I don't think so"

"Sana cooked this"Tzuyu smiled

"Tzuyu's so cute when she smiled"Sana mumbled

"So as I"Dahyun laughed as she saw Sana's reaction
"Kidding!"she added

And it came to the point that, Tzuyu was just too focused on her friends, especially Chaeyoung, almost forgetting that Sana was here.

Well, Sana also enjoyed seeing Tzuyu's other side with her friends but she doesn't know, she hated the attention that Tzuyu was giving to Chaeyoung. There was something that she can't explain of.

But, maybe this was just a feeling of jealousy?

"I need to go. My mother is already finding me"Sana told them

"I'll take you outside"Tzuyu stood up

"Thank you for the foods!"Dahyun shouted

"Yes. Thank you, Sana!"Jihyo commented

"You're welcome. Let's go?"

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