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"I did it because I wanted to"

What kind of answer is that?

"What?"Tzuyu frowned

"I just felt like it so I did"


And after that, it can't get out of her mind.

It's almost a week!

A kiss. It's just a kiss. Tzuyu wondered why she couldn't get out of her mind.

Was it the fact that she shared it with her friend? Or was it the weird feelings around her stomach when their lips met? Or was it the fact that she knew it was mistake?

"Nurse Chou!!!"a shout brings her back to reality
"I have been calling your name for like an hour"Dahyun worriedly said

"Sorry for spacing out"

"It's okay, bro. But are you alright? Something's bothering you?"

"Nothing really"Tzuyu stood up and look around
"Where's Chaeyoung?"she asked

"Why are you looking for someone else when I'm here"Dahyun muttured

"What?"Tzuyu confusly asked

"At the lab with Xiaoting"

"How about you?"

"What? What about me?"

"Are you alright?"

"I always am. Let's go, I'm sure Jeongyeon unnie was already looking for us"

Tzuyu was too confused on what's going on to her friend. However, she obeyed and followed her.


Damn that answer, Sana. You're screwed.

It's that damn lips fault.

Why is her lips so kissable? It's fucking tempting me.

"What's your problem, Sana?"Nayeon took a seat besides her as she saw her friend too occupied into something that she doesn't know

"This is not a problem, really. It's just- I'm too stupid for making that goddamn reason"Sana ran her hands through her hair

"Let me guess, this is all about Tzuyu?"


"Are you sure about her? I mean- Tzuyu is kind, hard working, and definitely your type. But she's too innocent to know the word relationship"

"It's not what—

"Oh please! I know you, Sana. You will get whatever you want, you're unstoppable"Nayeon paused and watched her gaze
"Aren't you afraid of falling inlove again?"she asked

"When I did then I can't do anything anymore"

"You almost died the last time you did"

"But love saved me too"

Their conversation was getting intense when,

"Ooh~ what's the topic? Why so serious?"Momo came, completely confused

"I have to go, I still got an important appointment to do"Nayeon excused herself

"Bye, I guess"Momo awkwardly chuckled
"So what happened last week?"she asked

"What do you mean last week?"

"Stop playing innocent. What did you do to Tzuyu?"Momo folded her arms over her chest, looking directly onto her eyes

"I can't stop myself and she—

"She fucked you?!"

"What the?! She did not. She's avoiding me"

"Why is she avoiding you then?"

"Because I kissed her"

"You horny freak, why'd you kissed her?!"

"Shut the hell up. I'm trying to make everything alright, okay"

"I invited her in my apartment, you better come"


"Um hey Tzu"Sana started, rubbing the back of neck as she stood right next to her

"Hi"Tzuyu muttured without looking at her

Tzuyu hasn't looked at her since they kissed, she avoided her as if her life was depended on it.

Gosh, Sana. You fucked up!

"You know, let's just forget about what happened that day. You're drunk, so I guess you don't know what you are doing"Tzuyu stated

No fucking way. I know what I did.

But of course, Sana didn't say that out loud. She'd rather lie.

"Yeah let's forget about it.

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