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"Good morning, Dr. Hong!"Tzuyu greeted as she passed the said doctor through the hallway. She seems to be in a good mood for today.

"Good morning, Nurse Chou"Dr. Hong greeted back

Tzuyu smiled at him and greeted the other doctors who passed her by.

That didn't end long, until she heard some nurses starting to ask for some doctor's help.

"There's an arrival of critically ill patient coming from a car accident near the highway and one of them is Dr. Yoo"

Tzuyu stopped on her track the moment she heard her friend's name.

It can't be.

Tzuyu saw Chaeyoung rushed towards the unconscious patient. She was sure it wasn't Jeongyeon, it was someone else.

"How is Dr. Yoo?"Dr. Son asked furiously

"She's alright, Dr. Son. She only got bruises on her forehead and wounds on her left arm"

Tzuyu sighed in relief as she went closer just to find out if who's the patient lying on the bed.

And the moment she got to see the face, her eyes went wide.

"But how about— her girlfriend?"

"She's in a coma. . .

It was Im Nayeon.


"What happened to Nayeon unnie?!"

"W-we got into a c-car accident. I. . . I'm sorry, it's my fault. If we didn't fight- this will not have happen. I'm so sorry"Jeongyeon said, fear and worry masked her face

"Jeongyeon ah, don't blame yourself. This is not your fault, okay? It's no one's fault"Momo gave her a warm embrace, patting her back softly

"Sana, baby. Everything will be alright, okay? Dr. Son and every doctor inside the ER will make things work. Stop crying now"Tzuyu kisses both of her eyes, trying to calm her down

"Sana chan. . ."Mina called out as she saw Tzuyu so she excused her for a while instead
"I think we need some space for now"she stated

"Let me do it"

"I—"Mina look behind her first but she just nodded anyways,
"Yeah, take care of her for now"she smiled

"Sana, let's go somewhere?"Tzuyu took a hold of her hand as Sana nodded with a teary eyed

She bought Sana here in a non crowded area so that she can freshen up her mind for a meantime. She needed this for now.

Silence was all you can heard right there. Sana was still stuck in the scene earlier. She couldn't believe that will happened to her friend. She's afraid something bad may happen to her. She can't just afford to lose someone who's very close to her. She's like a sister to her, she's like a family.

Tzuyu just let her be as she watches her every move.

And a few moments when Sana started to face her, she immediately gave her a tight embrace.

"No matter what happens, please don't leave me"Sana mutturred under her breath

"What are you talking about?"Tzuyu made the latter face her again and cupped her cheeks, caressing it with her thumbs. She looks so vulnerable.

She stared at her eyes, maybe it was just because of her friend. She's just afraid she will never see Nayeon again. She was just so special to her. That's all it is.

"I don't want you to leave me"

Tzuyu nodded as gave her a peck on her forehead emotionally. She felt it again, that time when she started to feel inexplicable feelings with her father.

"And I hope you'll do the same"

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