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"Tzuyu ah! You can take your leave now. For sure Sana unnie is already finding you"

"It's fine, unnie! I'm almost done"

"Xiaoting, Elkie, Hansol, and I can fix it for you"Dahyun said as they appeared behind Tzuyu, they had their smile plastered across their faces

"Thank you for understanding, but I can manage this"Tzuyu just nods

"She's so hard headed, just as you said, Hyun"Hansol whispered

"Can't blame her though"Elkie seconded

"Come on, Tzu! We're willing to help you out of here"Xiaoting exclaimed

"Are you guys for real?"Tzuyu asked in disbelief

"Do we look like we're joking?"Dahyun crossed her arms, being impatient to her friend already

"You guys are not"Tzuyu started to pack her things
"Thank you! Take care of that!"she hurriedly ran towards the door happily

"Great then, I'll get something that she didn't finish"Xiaoting insisted

"About the paper works that needed to be printed, I'll go take it"Hansol said

"Wait guys, she left so many here"Elkie announced, showing all the stuffs

"Almost done she says?"Hansol mutturred

"What she meant was this"Xiaoting said, referring to Tzuyu's unfinished business earlier

"Did she just. . .?"


"I tricked them"Tzuyu silently laugh as she rides her car and started the engine, droving away

A few moments and she finally arrived at Sana's place. There, she was greeted by,

"Ms. Chou"the girl bowed on her

"Where is Sana?"

"Ms. Minatozaki was already sleeping, Ms. Chou. You can just make it to her room"

"Thank you— and you can just call me Tzuyu, Aki"

"Yes, Tzuyu"

"I'll get going now"

Tzuyu climbed upstairs and into Sana's room. She opened the door just lightly so that she wouldn't wake Sana up. But then, the moment she opened the door, she was greeted by the girl who is already awake.

"Hi? Aki told me you were already sleeping"Tzuyu started the conversation

"I just woke up"

"Okay so. I got some foods for you"Tzuyu showed her some bags of foods

"Thank you, Tzuyu ah. But you don't have to"

"You need to eat this"

"Okay. What is that?"

"This? I have here some Avocados, I bought this because these are high in monounsaturated fats and potassium. They may help lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and risk of metabolic syndrome. This dark chocolate, they have high in antioxidants like flavonoids. It has been associated with a lower risk of developing calcified plaque in heart disease. And Green tea, this food had high polyphenols and catechins. It has been associated with lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure"Tzuyu explained

"You don't need to explain those to me"Sana chuckled

"It's the best if I'll explain this all to you"

After that, Tzuyu helped Sana to eat as they rested on Sana's bed for a while when the Japanese started to say random things like,

"Remember the bucket list that I wrote that day? I hope we can still do that"Sana uttured as she look at Tzuyu, her eyebrows are now furrowed
"What's wrong, Tzuyu ah?"she asked worriedly

"We can do that all after your treatment, Sana. I want you to be okay first"

"But I wanted to do that while I still can"

That word again.

Now she understands why she said those words to her that day.

"Don't say something like that, baby"Tzuyu immediately gave her a tight hug, she doesn't want them to stop. She's afraid that after this, she won't ever see Sana again.

"I-I'm sorry"Sana felt guilty as she made the latter face her
"Tzuyu, I just wanted to enjoy my days with you. So please let me"she said with puppy eyes

"Yeah, I see. We will do all of it, so please stay with me"Tzuyu forced a smile

"I won't leave you"

"You do?"

"Of course, I promise"

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