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"Nayeon stop, you're drinking too much"Jeongyeon kept on stopping the said latter, but she wasn't even paying attention

"I can take care of myself! Don't mind me!"Nayeon said, she's still sobber but she's close to being drunk

"You know her, Jeongyeon chan. She's really like that"Mina chuckles

"This place will be closing soon. Aren't you guys going home?"Tzuyu said holding the tray with her hand

"We already talked to your manager, Tzu. Don't worry"Momo replied

"How about you? Are you going home now?"Chaeyoung asked

"Yeah. I'm just waiting"Tzuyu nods

"Who's taking you home?"Dahyun asked curiously


The moment Sana heard that, she look up. And she didn't expect that she will met Tzuyu's eyes.


"Bring that Doctor here and I'll talk to him"Jeongyeon stated firmly


"Because I want him to bring you home safe"

"Come on, Jeongyeon unnie. Mingyu is my friend since then"

"Yes, but I don't really know him so I want to talk to him tonight. Got it?"


"That's great then"

As time passed by, Mingyu was now here with Tzuyu. He's talking to Jeongyeon. He seems like a nice person though.

But still, Sana's glaring at him.

How dare him take Tzuyu home? Only her can do that.

Wait fuck! I was supposed to move on.

Stop it, Sana. Stop.

"Poor cup"Momo mumbled

"What?!"Sana asked out loud so they looked at her

"Oh chill! I was just saying. That cup right there"Momo pointed out, which Sana look immediately

"This shit!"Sana threw it with her eyebrows meeting in the middle

"Aw! Poor cup"

"Can you shut up for a minute?"

"Yes, but. Bye Tzuyu!"Momo smiled while waving at them


"Ya! Nayeon stop it! You're drunk already"

"You shut up! I don't even need you! I told you to leave, why are you still here?"Nayeon was drunk, she knows. But that hurts

"Yeah. I should'nt even care"Jeongyeon walked out

"Nayeon unnie! Why are you like that?"Momo frowned at her

"She's just being nice, unnie"Sana uttured

"I'll follow her"Momo said

Sana just stayed right there when Nayeon collapsed on the couch.

"Nayeon unnie! Wake up!"

"Sana is that you?"

"Yeah it's me"

"I love you, Sana"


Sana stops on her track. She stares at Nayeon and she look so serious right now. She knows her when she's drunk. She's not lying.

"Why it's always Tzuyu? W-hy can't it be me? I have been waiting for you since then. . . You k-know I'm always here for you. I—I'm your one call away. I-I was there with you at good and bad times. I'm just here Sana. But why. . . c-can't you see me?"

Sana didn't move an inch, she herself find it hard to answer that question.

The Japanese girl stared at Nayeon. She look so messy and lonely. She doesn't know, but she couldn't even find any feelings towards her.

"Can't I really change what's in your heart?"

Sana sighed and turn sideways. The room temperature seems cold right now.

She doesn't know. . . was it because it's an air-conditioned room or was it because of the situation right now?

"I-I'm sorry, Nayeon unnie. I can't love you the way I did to Tzuyu"

"I understand"

Nayeon then turn around.

"Wa-wait! Where are you going?"

"I'm going home now"

"I'm taking you home"

"No need. I'll be riding Momo's car instead"

Sana just stared at Nayeon, until she's now out of her sight.

But that question. . .

Right, why can't it be Nayeon instead?

It would have been easy if it was her.

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