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"I still have a date with Sana, Mama!"

"But you haven't eaten yet!"

"I do, and I'll eat with her instead"

"Take care of her, Tzuyu"

"Yes, Mama"

"Say my hi to Sana, Tzuyu ah!"Jihyo exclaimed

"Alright, unnie"


"Your medicine, Satang"

"I forgot!"

"Look who's excited"Momo giggled

"They will enjoy their date today"Dahyun added

"It's Tzuyu's off duty, right?"Mina asked

"Yeah, and I knew she really prepared for this day"Dahyun answered, chuckling

They stayed at Sana's place for a while when they heard a car honking outside.

"It's Tzuyu, I'll get going now!"Sana hurriedly stood up

"Have a nice date"Nayeon smiled

As Sana found its way outside, she was met by the taller who's leaning her backside against the door.

"Hi? Are you ready now?"

"I always am"Sana smiled

The couples went to a restaurant and eat. After that, they stayed at the park to watch some kids play badminton. They left the car at the restaurant so that they could walk around somewhere.

Sana wants Tzuyu to do the bucket list she wrote on the other day so she will base this date on that. All she want was Sana's happiness so she's doing this all to her.

A little few minutes and they started to go to the nearest library. Well, Tzuyu wasn't a fan of this but with Sana, she do really enjoyed this. Tzuyu captured every moment with her that's why she have her cousin's camera with her.

"What are you reading?"

"I don't know this, but I find it interesting"

"A nurse's story?"

"Yeah, I'm done reading almost half of it"

"You're a fast reader huh. Dahyun said you aren't a fan of books"

"I don't know either"Tzuyu laughed

"Okay then, I'll buy a new book. I want to read it soon"Sana happily went to the cashier

Until sunset came and the two couple were now inside the car, just sitting freely, watching the sun goes down.

"Your mother wouldn't mind if I'll take you home late at night, right?"Tzuyu uttured

"She won't mind. She knows that I'm with you so"Sana leaned over Tzuyu's shoulder

"Your mother really loves me"

"She do, just like I love you"Tzuyu smiled as her gaze went to the sun again

"It's my first time watching the sundown. I was too busy that I didn't notice that it was already night time"

"When I got nothing to do, I was just there on the rooftop to watch the stars or the sundown"

"Let's do it together"

"We should"

"Let's eat dinner now?"

"Let's go"

Tzuyu drove away as they went to this restaurant, which was recommended by Momo. She knows a lot of good restaurant here around Seoul so for sure this will satisfy them.

After eating there, Tzuyu drive to somewhere. It was late at night, but this was part of Sana's bucket list, a late night ride. 20 minutes had passed and they decided to go home already.

"You want to sleep here? It's late already"

"No, I'm fine"

"Please?"here she goes again, doing that cute puppy eyes

"Aish, fine"

"Yay! Let's go!"Sana excitedly pulled Tzuyu inside and was greteed with Mina and Momo
"Why are you guys still here?"she asked confused

"Uhh- Sana"Momo scrathed her nape as she nervously lets out a sigh

"What happened?"Tzuyu asked as she watched their actions, it was kinda telling something

"Actually— how do you say this?"Momo quietly asked Mina for help by tapping her thighs

"Yeah, Sanny"Mina looks away

"What about, Sanny?"Sana raised a brow as she stood infront of them

"She's missing"

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