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"So how's his condition? Is there any problem?"

"Yes, Dr. Son. He felt pain in his left abdomen. I want to ask about the medicine. Is there any additional medicine for him?"

"Oh yes, I want you to give this additional medicine. It will help make his condition better and don't forget to write it down in the letter report"Dr. Son stated as Nurse Chou nodded her head

"May I continue my work now, Dr. Son?"

"Oh Sure. Thank you for the nice discussion, Nurse Chou"

Dr. Son left after that. She wasn't sure if what is up to her friend right now. She knows she's just being professional here, but something is really going on to her that she can't explain of.

What's wrong with you, Chou.


"Finally a cup of coffee to wake up my soul!"Dahyun stretched her arms up after she goes for a tiring work

"How about our Doctors?"Xiaoting asked

"We're fine. Glad, it's successfull. I'm actually nervous since my patient got 50% chance of living. Well, I'm a great doctor so what can we expect?"Jeongyeon boastfully uttured

"You stop hanging out with Nayeon unnie sometimes, unnie"Chaeyoung crumbled her forehead

"You can't stop a person not to hang out with the love of their life though"Xiaoting stated

"That's true, but it depends if it's really necessary. Sometimes you have to stay away when you know you're just getting hurt"Dahyun husked out, looking at the other direction and so they did as well

"Tzuyu! Come on join us!"Xiaoting exclaimed

Tzuyu declined saying,

"I'm busy. I'll join you guys next time"Tzuyu replied after she gazed at Chaeyoung, who was eyeing her actions intently

"Hmmm. . . What's wrong with her?"Jeongyeon asked

"Having a bad time? I met Jihyo unnie earlier, she asked me why Tzuyu was acting like that"Dahyun told them

"I think it is because of this certain woman, who promised to go out with her but guess what? She just forgot about it"Xiaoting glance at them one by one, but took longer to Chaeyoung, wanting her to get the message

"I think I need to go"Chaeyoung stood from its seat

"And why?"Xiaoting asked, smiling. So proud of herself as Chaeyoung finally get her message.

"Need to do something"

"Seriously? Now that we have a free time together?"Jeongyeon sighed

"Let her be, unnie. I think she needs to do something really really important"Dahyun said, getting Xiaoting's hint


Chaeyoung immediately go to Tzuyu's station real quick. Luckily, she's just there.

"Chou Tzuyu"Chaeyoung called

"Hmm? Need something?"Tzuyu gave her a glance but look away after

"Why are you acting like that?"

"Like what?"

"Tell me. . . What's wrong?"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"What is really wrong with you, Chou?! What happened? Why does it seems like you're avoiding me? We are okay the last time I checked. Just. . . tell me, I'm so fucking confused"

A few moment of silence before Tzuyu decided to talk,

"It's because I like you"

Chaeyoung frozed from her spot. She doesn't know what to do.

So all this time Tzuyu likes me?

"Tzuyu, I-

Tzuyu cutted her off, her eyes were blurry from the tears threatening to fall, she knows she doesn't have any single chance with her. Her friend loves someone else, and that someone was not her.

"You don't need to like me, Chae. Just let me adore you"

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