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"Arghh! Night shift sucks. I'm sorry, my love. I promised to treat you in Lotte world, but I didn't get to do that"Tzuyu sadly said

"It's alright. I already saw that coming so I made a plan- myself"Sana grinned

"What plan?"

"You'll see"


Sana drove Tzuyu somewhere. The taller wasn't in it, really. It was her who promised to bring her somewhere as for what happened yesterday with Eunha. She wanted to make it up to her, but now.

"Wait why are we going through this way?"Tzuyu asked, totally confused

"We're going to the Lotte World"

"Wait, what? It's already closed"

"I know"

"Seriously? Why are we going there then?"

"Let's just say, I rented the whole theme park"

"What?! Are you for real?"

"It's nothing to me"

"But not for me"

"Come on, Tzuyu ah. It's actually fine"

"What else can I do?"Tzuyu sighed in defeat as she knows she won't win over her.

A little while and Sana started to pull Tzuyu in any rides. For all the rides there, she choose to ride that train instead. She do really enjoyed being there inside. She was like a little kid who excitedly gets inside hugging that Yoda plushie that Tzuyu gave to her a while ago. She's just so adorable.

Next was that, bumper car. Sana kept on bumping Tzuyu, which she enjoyed a lot, it was visible to her face.

"Tzuyu ya, you kept on losing"Sana giggled

"That's fine"Tzuyu smiled

After that, they went to the fantasy forest.

"Come sit over there!"Sana commands


"I'll take a picture of you"

Sana took many pictures as she couldn't help but to laugh at Tzuyu's cuteness.

"Why in so many places, you choose the mushrooms?"Tzuyu asked

"Because you were like a mushroom who kept on popping everywhere"Sana chuckled as she remembered those times when she wanted stay away from her, but she just kept on popping everywhere

"I'll accept that"

"On my to Carousel!"

"Wait for me!"

"You're enjoying this a lot huh"Tzuyu said as she helped Sana ride the white horse

"Get in there as well"

"I'm going to stay here instead"

"Okay if you say so"

More rides to come as Sana decided to rest to the nearest table for a while. Tzuyu watched as Sana eat hotdogs.

It doesn't matter if she didn't liked some games as long as Sana is enjoying it, she won't mind.

"Can I have a bite?"Tzuyu asked

"But you have it as well"

"Yeah but I wanted to taste it first"

"Is that really your intention?"Sana smirked at her

"Ah uh. . ."

"Just kidding, here take a bite. Say ah!"

"Ah?"Tzuyu opened her mouth as Sana take the food inside

"Good girl"Sana patted her head

"By the way, I bought this dog plushie"Tzuyu happily showed the dog up

"You really like dogs huh?"

"I do"

"Xiaoting said you have one"

"Yeah— but he passed away last September, 2020"

"I'm sorry to hear that. What about. . . Let's go to a dog cafe tomorrow? What do you think about that?"Sana asked as she saw a glimpse of happiness through Tzuyu's eyes

"I would love to!"

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