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matured sexual content.



"I really hate being hospitalized"Sana crossed her arms and turned away from them

"Because you are not taking your medicines"Nayeon sat beside the latter's bed
"It's for your own good, Sana. You need to drink those"she counted

"Nah, I guess she did this on purpose"Momo rolled her eyes

"And why?"Nayeon raised a brow

"Instead of just staying in the house alone she choose this- just to see Tzuyu"Momo stated

"Just to inform you, Tzuyu is still innocent. I know what you want"Nayeon warned her

"Well, that's going to be challenging and exciting"Sana giggled

"I thought you like girls with experience"Mina muttured

"Mina, what kind of question is that?"Nayeon raised a brow at her

"But Tzuyu's acceptable"Sana smiled

"Speaking of her"Momo stared at the door with a knowing look

"San—"and that, Tzuyu suddenly showed up
"Sorry for the inconvenience"she was about to go when,

"No it's okay. You can come in"Mina remarked

"That's right. Let's go, Nayeon unnie. I forgot I still have something to do"Momo stood up with that knowing expression of hers

"What? I don—"Nayeon was cutted off

"Let's go. Take care of our lovely friend, Tzuyu chan"Momo smiled

"Oh okay"Tzuyu nods

"You came"

Tzuyu walked towards Sana's bed, but not too close.

"As you said"

"Tch, I really thought you came here because you're worried about me, passing out"Sana pouted

Tzuyu didn't answer.

"Sit here"Sana said, pointing at the space next to her


"Okay, just stand right here"

Tzuyu hesitated at first, but she walked near her anyways.

And suddenly, she was being pulled by Sana, making her sat on the bed. The older trapped her in between her legs. Now, she's facing her back at Sana's front.

She wasn't doing anything, but Tzuyu's heart was fluttering rapidly. Knowing Sana, she has a lot stuffs inside her mind.

"I'm sure you'll like this, Tzuyu ah"Sana whispered through her ears, sending shivers all over her body


Tzuyu was fighting herself not to make any sound coming from her mouth. She doesn't know, she didn't even stop Sana from putting her fingers inside of her- it just happened.

Now, she's covering her mouth as she doesn't want to embarrass herself. She's making a sound that she doesn't even know.

"Stop covering your mouth, this room is soundproof. No one can hear us"Sana whispered and continued to to bite and kiss her neck

And the moment Sana found her g-spot, she started to move fast. Tzuyu can't stop but to arch her back, her mouth hang open, and her eyes shut close.

The pain she was feeling earlier got replaced with pleasure as she's now moaning again and again.

"S-Sana~"Tzuyu moaned

Tzuyu is trying not to moan, but now she's doing the opposite of it.

"Ahh s-shit, t-this is so embarrassing! I can't stop myself from creating a disgusting sound!"

Tzuyu never felt so embarrassed for herself, it's just- lust took over her body. She just couldn't stop herself from not enjoying it because she liked it and that is for damn sure.

"Keep on moaning, that's so sexy"

That didn't end long and Tzuyu came all over Sana's fingers. Sana slowly pumped her fingers to ride her orgasm.

Tzuyu was now panting really hard as Sana removed her fingers and immediately insterted it into her mouth, tasting her juices.

"Hmmm, you tasted so sweet. Did you drink the pineapple juice that I gave you?"

Tired to speak, Tzuyu just nodded her head.

"I wanted your fingers so bad, but I can't be exhausted for today. Hmm and you, you made me satisfied so I don't mind"

As Tzuyu finally overcome her orgasm, Sana immediately straddled over her and attacked her lips.

They made out and cleaned themselves after that.

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