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"You're the talk in this uni, Tzu!"Xiaoting exclaimed

"That's why I'm here in the library to hide"Tzuyu hid her face with the book everytime she saw some students going in

"Tzuyu is so popular!"Wonwoo giggled

"I really admire Sana! Gosh she's so cool!"Xiaoting said

"I can also do that"

"I have cars and can pick Tzuyu up as well"

Both Mingyu and Dahyun said at the same time.

"That's suspicious"Xiaoting suspiciously look at them

"That's weird"Wonwoo seconded, earning a punch from his stomach coming from Mingyu

"Stop saying nonsense"Mingyu glared at him

"I can't with these two"Dahyun shook her head

"This is what I meant when I said I don't wanted to be with you all"Tzuyu uttured

"What? You don't love us anymore?"Xiaoting said with a puppy eyes

"You guys are such a pain in the ass"Tzuyu crossed her arms

"I didn't do anything"Dahyun denied

"Acting innocent"Xiaoting frowned at her

"Chill! It's true though, so stop fighting"Mingyu gestured them to stop

"Aye Aye captain!"Wonwoo shouted

"Mr. Jeon"the librarian shush him up

"Sorry!"Wonwoo awkwardly chuckled

"I told you to stay quiet"Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows


"So who's gonna pick you up again?"Xiaoting asked with a knowing look


"Oooh, with her Ferrari, Lamborghini or with her Aston?"

"I told her not to bring those"

"Ya! Why? That's so cool"Xiaoting whined as if she was the one on Tzuyu's shoes

"Come on, it's embarrassing. I don't want people's attention on me"Tzuyu look at her as if she was crazy, which she really was

"So it's already time. What's your next?"


"That's sad! We don't have the same class. So see you later!"


Their classes already ended and they are now walking outside the hallway.

It's actually their usual doings, walking together and even going home together. But now, they have different works to do so they have to separate ways.

"I'll go first!"Wonwoo excused

"I'll go with you!"Mingyu yelled


"Take care!"


"So how about you two?"Tzuyu asked raising a brow

"My mother's waiting for me so I'll go now"Dahyun said

"You don't want to stay with us?"Xiaoting asked, that it seems to have a double meaning to Dahyun

"I'm in a hurry"and then she left

"Why are you still here with me?"Tzuyu firmly asked

"Because I want to personally witness Minatozaki Sana picking you up"Xiaoting smiled foolishly

"Is that really a big deal to you?"Tzuyu frowned

"Are you guys really just friends?"Xiaoting asked all of sudden

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just answer me"

"Of course we are"

"I really doubt and I don't believe in that"

"Okay"and then Tzuyu walked out

"Wait seriously, Tzu?"Xiaoting blows out a deep exhale, but soon replaced with a widest smile when she saw this certain someone
"Tzuyu, your friend is already here to pick you up!"she shouted

"I—"Tzuyu was speechless

"Wow!"Xiaoting reacted


"Ahm. . ."Tzuyu can't find a words to say

"Hi, Sana unnie!"Xiaoting greeted

"Hello!"Sana greeted back cheerfully

Tzuyu got her eyes widen, mouth hanged open as Sana went out of her motorcycle, removing the helmet from her head, making her hair flew down her shoulders sexily.

"So? Let's go?"she stares at Tzuyu

"I don't actually ride this kind of bike"Tzuyu shyly said, rubbing the back of her head

"This is the cheapest one I can bring, forgive me"

"I might fall"

"Don't worry, just hold on to me and you won't fall"

Sana handed the helmet to her and Tzuyu putted it on.

"Let's go"

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