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"Sana unnie is okay already?"

"As if nothing had happened?"

"She's acting like she wasn't sick yesterday"

"Well, is that really the reason why she's not around yesterday?"

That's Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon, Dahyun, and Mingyu right there.

"Why are you guys saying these things about her?"Xiaoting stared at them for a quiet few seconds

"It's Jeongyeon unnie's fault, if it wasn't for her then I'll be not thinking like this"Chaeyoung husked out

"You can't blame me though. That already happened to me before. My ex cheated on me and having that shitty sick reason sh—

"But that doesn't mean it can also happen to Tzuyu. You both have different stories, I know Sana unnie can't do that"Xiaoting stated

"Still- she aren't saying things to Tzuyu, which is very very suspicious. If she do really trust Tzuyu then she will tell her about that whatsoever stuffs. She's her girlfriend so she have a right to know"Mingyu foughted back

"Chill guys, we don't know right? Maybe there is a reason behind this. Let's not judge first"Xiaoting huffed


"Nurse Chou, there's a man finding you"

"Oh, who is it?"

"His name is Mark Tuan"

"Thank you, Elkie"Tzuyu tapped her arms before she proceeds on her destination

Sana was there as well, of course. They were at the same cafeteria, same table, and Sana saw how Nurse Chong blushes as Tzuyu's hand made a contact on her skin.

"Ha- really infront of my chicken nuggets"Sana murmured

"Not to mention, Elkie has a crush on Tzuyu"Dahyun whispered that was still clearly heard by many

"What?"Sana frowned

"That was just a crush, Tzuyu wasn't even giving her an attention"Chaeyoung assured

A little while and Tzuyu came with this man named, Mark. He's nice, he treated everyone nice. Especially— Sana.

"She's already close with Tzuyu's stepbrother?"Jeongyeon said, raising a brow

"Sana unnie is very friendly that's why"Xiaoting reasoned out

"Friendly huh"Dahyun grinned

"Why? It's true though"Xiaoting creased her eyebrows, rolling her eyes at them

"No please, don't brainwashed me"Chaeyoung said, shooking all her thoughts

"Even her can't stop on thinking the same thing were in"Jeongyeon pointed out

"You guys were just overthinking"

"You can't blame us though. She's so secretive"

"Some things have a reason"

"And you know that reason? Stop making us think and freaking tell us"

"Of course I— what the? No! I don't even know a thing!"

"Hey hey hey, don't make it loud. They were looking at our direction now, look!"Chaeyoung whispered-yelled

"Aish! If you know just tell us, Ting"Jeongyeon uttured

"Yeah as if"


"Can he stay here for a while?"

"Of course, Tzu"Sana smiled

"By the way, Papa has plans on getting you here and you need to take care of the company, but things didn't go according to plan when he passed away"Mark started, which all the gazes went to him

"Is it true?"Dahyun frowned

"Of course, man. Even if Tzuyu wasn't around, Papa was still finding her. You know- Tzuyu is his only daughter"Mark smiled even though it hurts for him. But he knows he had no right because he's not the real child at all.

All went well and Mark was now leaving.

But before he leaves, they hear him say,

"By the way your friend right here, bro"Mark said, glancing at Sana as Tzuyu stared at him confused. But she saw that he's looking at her girlfriend so she decided to play along.

"Yeah she's my friend"Tzuyu said, emphasizing the word 'friend'

"Can I ask a favor?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Can you help me with your friend?"but Tzuyu didn't even answer him
"Come on, man. I'm your step brother, won't you trust me?"he added

"Of course, I trust you. But she's more than a friend to me"


"Yep, you heard it right. She's mine"

"You mean?"Tzuyu smiled at him as she stood beside Sana and sneaked her arm around her waist

"Girlfriend, bro. Come on, baby. I'll take you to the parking lot now"

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