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matured sexual content.

If you do not feel comfortable with this chapter, I suggest you to skip. Do not say I didn't warned you, otherwise- Enjoy!



"Feel like home"

"Woah! Your place was so big"Tzuyu said, roaming her eyes around the place

"Yeah so you want something to eat?"

"I want to sleep"

"Okay, let me show you the way"

They climbed upstairs and immediately went to a nearest room.

"You want to sleep on the bed, on the couch or with me?"

"With you?"

"Let's share"

"Oh alright"

"So you want us to share?"

"Is it fine?"

"Of course, Tzuyu"Sana smiled and patted her head

"Can I have that?"

Sana raised a brow so she asked,

"Have what?"Sana realized what it was and took her lollipop out of her mouth
"Here"she handed it to her

"Uh. . . I mean-

"I don't have a new one, you can have this"

"Thank you"Tzuyu happily took it like a little kid

Shit, that is indirect kiss.

"Can I use the washroom?"Tzuyu asked

"Of course. You can use the bathtub there"


A few moments later,

Tzuyu was just there when she heard something outside, something very familiar.

It was the same as what she heard the last time Sana called on her phone.

She didn't mind it and continued to rest her body inside the bathtub. Sana wouldn't mind if she took so long here so.

And that, she suddenly heard the door being opened.

"W-why are you here?"Tzuyu nervously asked

"You said you need clothes, right?"Sana said casually before sitting on the top of the washroom sink, her back blocking the mirror's view

Tzuyu stared at her as if she was crazy. She can just give the clothes outside, not when she's still here- fully naked inside the bathtub.

"Are you done?"Sana asked

"Almost, but I'll go now"Tzuyu said, asking herself where did she put the bathrobe

"Looking for this?"Sana showed the bathrobe up


"You wanted this?"

Tzuyu frowned but nodded anyways.

"Come here"Sana husked out as she moved her fingers in a 'come here' motion

Tzuyu shook her thoughts as she stood there all naked and walked towards Sana. The latter gave the bathrobe with that sexy smirk dancing on her wet, red lips.

When she's done, Sana used that opportunity to trapped Tzuyu in between her legs.


Before Tzuyu could say something, she got caught off when Sana suddenly attacked her lips. She could feel her heart go wild in her chest as she closed her eyes and started kissing the latter back.

Tzuyu can't find a reason why she's doing this, it feels so wrong but it feels so good at the same time.

Sana pulled back as she slowly held her collar and unbuttoned the four buttons, now exposing her chest since she's not wearing a bra. Tzuyu tried her best not to look, but she failed.

"Don't just look at it, take off my shirt"

Tzuyu hesitated as she lifted her nervous shaky hands and unbuttoned the last buttons of Sana's white button down shirt, leaving her fully naked since she's not even wearing something down her.

With a blink of an eye, Sana hungrily pulled her into a deep kiss. This time they are using their tongues, making it a steamy kissing session.

As Sana pulled away, she pressed her nipples with her own fingers. Tzuyu gulped, feeling that unfamiliar hot feeling.

Tzuyu can't find a word to say. Sana started to took her hands and make it touch her mounds, helping her squeezed it.

"Shit, this is better than my own hands"Sana moaned, biting her lower lip
"Come on, Tzu. Take it inside your mouth"she stated

Tzuyu was turned on so bad that she just obeyed the older. She slowly leaned in as she took Sana's nipple in her mouth, licking it alternatively and sucking it gently.

"Ah~ Damn! t-that feels so good"Sana moaned when she felt the taller's tongue cirlced around her now swollen nipple


They ended up in the bed after an hour inside the washroom. Sana came a lot, she didn't expect a first timer like Tzuyu can make her feel like that. She played her role really well. It was heaven.

A few moments and Sana felt herself cumming, for the fourth time already. She wanted Tzuyu's tongue this time as she tapped Tzuyu's shoulder who's now busy eating her buds. No- because she's getting addicted eating her mounds.

"Tzuyu ah, I-I. . . n-need attention down there"

Tzuyu stopped and stared at her.


"Lick it my pussy like your favorite lollipop"

And in a matter of seconds, Tzuyu did as she was told.

"Oh- Oh my- Ugh~ that's so fucking good"Sana moaned while holding onto Tzuyu's head

Tzuyu looked up as she stared at Sana with that sexy half lidded eyes of her.

"Nghh. . . Ah! k-keep doing that, ugh shit~"

A moments later, Sana cummed on Tzuyu's mouth, which the younger gradually licked it all, not even leaving a single bit of her.

As much as Sana wanted to do it with her, her body was already giving up. The latter took all of her energy, that she can't feel her own legs anymore.

When Tzuyu find her way up, there she found- Sana, already asleep.

She just layed beside her and covered their body with a blanket. She stared at Sana as memories from earlier came inside her mind.

She couldn't believe she did those things.

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