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"Why is Sana here?"

"She's always here, what do you mean?"

"Mingyu, I have to be honest with you"

Mingyu creased her eyebrows in full of confusion as he waited for Xiaoting to continue.

"You have zero percentage chance to Tzuyu. You know—

"I know that, okay? You need to stop reminding me"

"I have to. Maybe you can just look around and find your the one"Xiaoting playfully raises her eyebrows

"Look around, you mean?"Mingyu chuckled, but do as what Xiaoting's says

"Hi guys!"Wonwoo punhed his shoulder and tapped Xiaoting's

"Jeon Wonwoo, how dare you punch a professional doctor like me?"

"Ooooohhh, I think this is it"both guys look at Xiaoting in confusion

"This is what?"Wonwoo asked

"I'll leave it unanswered"Xiaoting smirked
"Hi, Sana unnie!"she went towards the said latter

"Who's that girl?"Wonwoo asked

"The daughter of the owner of this hospital"Mingyu replied

Wonwoo just smiled as he stared at Sana.


"Excuse me, ma'am are you alright?"

"Yes, nurse. Just a little bit exhausted"

"Do you need anything? Water, medicine, foods?"

"Thank you, but I'm sure I'm so much fine, Nurse Chou"

"Okay then, just call me if you need anything"

Nurse Chou decided to went towards her friend's table. Sana's also there. I mean- she's always here. She have nothing to do but to went here and there— repeat, she had her free time, she always owns her time.

"What are you guys talking about?"Tzuyu asked

"You don't need to know"Dahyun said and they all laugh

"The hell?"Tzuyu frowned

"This is all about you so. . . You don't need to know"Xiaoting smiled sheepishly

"Ha- whatever. I don't want to know that either"Tzuyu rolled her eyes

"So where are we now?"Chaeyoung asked

"No, we can't talk about it when our topic was already here"Jeongyeon playfully laughed

"Why are you guys like that? I'm your friend here"Tzuyu pointed out

"Yeah, but it's still a no"Xiaoting snapped

"You guys were talking about me behind my back huh"Tzuyu folded her arms

"Who's talking?"Dahyun asked as if Tzuyu wasn't there

"There's none"

They were all laughing and Tzuyu was just there, sulking.

Her gaze then went on Sana as she watch her laughs gently, and it sends a warm breeze that flares goosebumps down her arm.

Her chest— her heart is acting strange all of sudden. It's getting loud. She didn't even run or what, so why is it acting weird?

Sana giggles as she talked to her friends.

Tzuyu on the other side found herself. . . Admiring and staring while smiling.

She do really tried her best not to react with Sana's smiles, her giggles, her laughs, but look at her- she just found herself smiling along with her. She felt all the emotions that run in an endless circle inside her heart and stomach.

This emotions. . .

Emotions that she can't even recognize. This is so foreign to her. She never ever felt this to anyone, not even once.

Tzuyu wonders how did she end up being like this, she wondered if she'd still able to identify herself if she look at the mirror.

Goodness, Sana. What did you to me?

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