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Sana keeps on checking her face in the mirror. Today, she will going to attend the farewell party of her parents and she doesn't want to look bad infront of their family and friends.

"I told you, unnie. You look cute with that"Sana told Nayeon who's beside her

"The girl besides me was way cuter"Nayeon complimented. Sana can imagine Tzuyu saying that to her.

"Thank you, Tzuyu. . . Oh I mean Nayeon unnie"

Tzuyu was occupying my head and I need to stop!

"Are you guys still at it?"Nayeon asked

"Let's just not talk about her"

"Fine then. Speaking of your date later o—

"No, unnie. Don't hook me up with some buff guys again"Sana cutted her off as she rolled her eyes at her

"It wasn't a guy, it was a girl. She was tall, young, and sexy- just as your type"Nayeon grinned while saying those

"I don't like young girls"

"But you like Tzuyu"

"No no no"

"Yeah whatever you say. I'm going now. Finish your make up already"

Her face was actually fine, but one thing is missing- a partner.

She needed a partner for the event. It doesn't matter if it is a man or a woman, her parents wouldn't mind that. They support her for what she really is. The only problem here is she can't even find one.

She look up and continued to look herself in the mirror. The Japanese girl stopped right away when she saw a familiar figure at the back.


Really, Tzuyu is like a mushroom who keeps on popping everywhere.

"You're here?"Sana said as Tzuyu walked towards her and stared at her own reflection in the mirror

"Your lipstick looks good"Tzuyu blurted out, staring at Sana right onto the mirror

"Yeah its- I just brought them"Sana smiled awkwardly

"Can I have some?"Tzuyu asked that made the latter go nervous

Yeah, where did she put that freaking lipstick now?

"But I think I lose it. I'm sorr—

Tzuyu had erased the remaining gap between them as her hands travelled down the latter's waist and pulled her closer. The taller one was looking intently onto her eyes, the Japanese woman couldn't help but swallowed the hard lump in her throat.

Shit! Where did she get that confidence now?

She didn't said anything and started leaning her face closer to the older when,

"Tzuyu, there you are"That familiar voice she hated the most was heard

"Hey Mingyu"Tzuyu hurriedly removed her hands away from her

"I'm sorry, did I interrupt your talk?"

"No! It's fine, actually. Let's go now, shall we?"Tzuyu replied as she gave Sana that gaze that she couldn't even understand and they walked away together


"So! Sana this is Lisa and Lisa this is Sana"Nayeon introduced

Sana stared at the said woman. Nayeon's right she's tall, sexy, and just exactly her type. She's wearing a black bell bottom pants suit and she look so elegant.

"It was nice meeting you, Beautiful"Lisa took her right hand and brush her lips briefly and gently on the top of her hand. Sana blushed at the contact as Lisa gave her a smile.

"Nice to meet you"

Sana turn sideways as she met Tzuyu's figure. She's hella gorgeous tonight. She's with her Louis Vuitton belted coat and that turnlock ankle boots. Sana almost had her mouth hanged open when Momo closed it for her.

Glancing at her friend, she found her smirking at her.

"She might melt, you know"

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