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"What happened to her?"

"Her car collided to the train, so as the other cars who's next to hers. Base on the police's investigation, Tzuyu was running her car in a full speed, making her way to the hospital then she get into this. Gladly, the other patient's condition was not the same as hers— but her, she got the most"

"Hansol and I are actually on our way to the hospital as well. We didn't saw her or her car there, we're also in a hurry as we got a patient"Dahyun stated

"How's Tzuyu?!"Jihyo came, panting heavily with fear masked on her face

"Her brain is damaged and she's stable now. Although she lost a lot of blood, but you don't need to worry because we already taken care of that. I can tell you that, there is no reliable way to accurately tell how long her coma will last and we're actually doing our best to find a better medication for her"Dr. Son Chaeyoung explained

"For how long will she be in a coma, exactly?"Sana asked

"Well, a coma usually last no longer than four weeks"Chaeyoung answers

Silence got filled in the whole room until,

"I'm sorry. I don't know what did I do. I-I got—"

"Nayeon unnie, stop being like that okay? No one wanted her here— every each one of us so please don't blame yourself just because you said those words, alright?"Xiaoting said, tapping her back softly

"It's not even your fault. I was just carried away by my emotions that's why I said those words to you. I'm really sorry"Jeongyeon uttured

"But still—"Jeongyeon pulled her into a hug

"That's not your fault, okay?"Nayeon slowly calmed down as Jeongyeon patted her back

"Let's just get some fresh air outside"and then they left

"So?? Sana unnie? What about your plan in States? Are you still going there?"Dahyun asked, putting her hands inside her srub's pocket, watching the latter's gaze carefully

"Even if I don't want to, I still need to. I want to be at Tzuyu's side, I wanted to be there when she finally open her eyes. But I think I can't be able to do that. . . And I hope you guys can understand me"Sana lowered down her head, voice in full of sadness. Thinking, she was so unfair when Tzuyu was always there for her everytime she needs her during her sick days.

"Of course it's fine, unnie. We understand your side as well. You also needed to be treated so everything can be all right as soon as possible"Xiaoting assured, giving her a small smile

"Agreed"Dahyun nodded as she switched her attention to Sana again
"When is your flight, by the way?"she questioned

"Actually, today. But I decided to moved it— when this matter happened"

Sana stared at the sleeping Tzuyu on the bed. She was still unconscious but her wounds are already treated now. Everything's fine with her, the doctors did everything just for her to be treated.

"Just message me if she did any signs of waking up. I want to know at least"

"Yeah yeah sure, unnie. You can count on us"

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