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Tzuyu and Sana decided to stay at the nearest restaurant where it have a nice view so that her attention turn to something.

"Are you okay now?"Tzuyu asked as the Japanese girl nodded her head

Sana then turn to face her and gave her a tight embrace. Listening to the sound of her heartbeat while dancing in the cool breeze.

"Thank you for staying in my life, Tzuyu ah. Thank you for loving me"Sana said all of a sudden

"Don't say your thank you's randomly"


"It's just- it feels like this is the end, like this is the last time. Don't say it again, okay?"

"What if this is the last time?"Sana said seriously, which made the latter look down at her in an instant

"Don't say something like that just because of the accident. You know that Nayeon unnie will survive this, you—

"What if this is the last time, Tzuyu?"Sana repeated once again

Tzuyu sighed.

"I love you that much that I'll go crazy if this is the last time"

Sana snaked her arms around her neck before their lips met in a gentle kiss as Tzuyu hugged her even tighter.

"I love you, Tzuyu ah"


"Nayeon unnie is fine, alright? Though her brain got the most hit, but still she's safe. It wasn't worse like the other patients who got involved in this accident. I'm pretty sure she'll wake up later on"Dr. Son stated

"Thank you, Chaeyoung— I mean Dr. Son"Momo thanked her, laughing awkwardly

"You know- let's just buy some foods for us. I know you guys haven't eaten yet"Dahyun uttured as most of the girls agreed. They haven't taken any foods since they found out about the news.

"Let me accompany you, Nurse Kim"Nurse Chwe Hansol insisted, one of the best nurses here in the hospital, he's the same as their age, and lastly, he's Dahyun's friend in highschool

"Yes. Thank you, Hansol"Dahyun smiled

"Come on now!"

"Who's that Hansol?"Momo asked immediately, raising two of her brows

"He's a nurse"Xiaoting answered like it was the most obvious thing ever

"Yeah, I know that. What's really his relationship with my girlfriend?"Momo crossed her arms

"Possessive huh"Xiaoting smirked

"I'm not joking, Xiaoting"

"Ah yeah! He's Dahyun unnie's highschool classmate, a friend, and her crush back then"Xiaoting said as if it wasn't a big deal

"Crush huh"

"Ya! No!"

"You already said it"

"Aish! What the fuck with this mouth"

"That was so annoying"Momo mumbled

"Ms. Im is already awake. She wants her friends to come in"Dr. Hong said as he glance at Mina, Momo and Sana's direction, which Jeongyeon raised her right hand in full confusion

"What about me, Dr. Hong?"Jeongyeon asked

"She didn't said anything, Ms. Yoo. I think she still needed some space for the both of you. Now, may I excuse myself"Dr. Hong left

"Jeongyeon ah"Momo called out, worriedly

"Yeah it's fine"Jeongyeon assured as the three finally went inside

"Are you okay, unnie?"Chaeyoung immediately asked

"Of course, I am. What matters for me is she's fine already"Jeongyeon showed a small smile

"We can visit her for some other time when she's already fine for letting you in"Xiaoting muttured

"Oh, Nayeon unnie didn't let you in? I heard from Dr. Hong that she's already awake"Dahyun came with foods

"It's fine for me. I know I'm still wrong after all"

"Let's just eat this up away as we wait for them then"

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