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"This is for Mina unnie, right?"

"Shut up, Dahyun unnie"

"Stop pretending, Chaeyoung. We all know that the two of you had a relationship"Xiaoting said, crossing her arms

"We're just friends"Chaeyoung denied

"More than friends, you mean?"Dahyun rolled her eyes

"I'm pretty sure this fits on you, Chaeng"Tzuyu came while holding a clothes for the latter

"What was that for?"Jeongyeon asked

"She have a date with Mina unnie. She didn't mention it?"Tzuyu asked, confused

"Shit"Chaeyoung cursed

"You shit. You're hiding it from us huh"Dahyun raised a brow

"You don't need to know that"Chaeyoung replied

"You're so unfair, you know"Xiaoting pouted

"Just stop complaining and help me with my date"Chaeyoung said

"Fine then. Just answer my question first"Dahyun said firmly

"What is it?"

"So are you guys a thing?"

"Come on! Isn't obvious? You can really tell they have a relationship by how they treat each other"Jeongyeon answered

"Right. It's so obvious"Tzuyu seconded

"Ya!! Stop talking and help me now"

"Yeah whatever"


They helped Chaeyoung fix the things on their date and separated ways after that. Jeongyeon and Tzuyu were together as the older wanted to confirm something from Tzuyu.

"Tzuyu, I'm just wondering. . . Why are you suddenly helping Chaeyoung?"Jeongyeon started

"She loves Mina unnie"

"And you're okay with that?"

"Of course. I like her, but I also wanted her to be happy with the one who she truly love"

Right. Like and Love were different.

"I raised you really well"Jeongyeon smiled

Now that she finally got her answer, she's already contented.

It was now late at night so Jeongyeon wanted to accompany Tzuyu on its house. They are walking off the streets with full of silence when,

"Jeongyeon unnie"


"Can I ask you?"

"Yeah go ahead, Tzu"

"I-I'm just confused about something"Tzuyu scrathes her nape nervously

"Something like?"

"How do you know when you've fallen for someone?"

The latter went in complete silent for a while.

"Why are you asking me that?"Jeingyeon questioned

"I-I'm just confused"

"Yeah, confused you say"Jeongyeon tapped her back
"The fact that you are asking it right now means that you already are"she counted

"I mean—

"It's Sana, right?"


"I'm an expert in terms of love, Tzu. You can't lie to me"

"I've n-never felt this before. I used to think that I can't fall in love, but why does Sana makes it so easy?"

"You are troubled"Jeongyeon murmured, resting her back against the wall

Tzuyu look at her confused.

"Don't you get it? It's like how you viewed your job. You enjoy your time at work. You don't have to put in time at work and then escape to 'life' to be happy. The same goes for how you love being with her. You never felt bored because you love being with her"Jeongyeon stated
"It was like- how you felt for her just feels so right"she smiled

Tzuyu think for a minute. She was right though. All those moments with Sana were right.

It just felt so right.

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