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Hi, Can I call?

Hello? Aly?

Why are you not responding? Are you busy


Read my first message.



Oh, okay : (


I will just go there instead.

I'm all alone here in the house so. . . Wait me there!

Wait, I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm busy with some paper works.

Hey, Sana?

No way, you can't come here for now. I'm busy.

Sana read my messages.

Come on. . .

A few minutes later,

"Hey Tzuyu! Sana is here!"Jihyo called out

"Aish"Tzuyu threw all her papers on her bed as she went downstairs

"Hi, Tzuyu ah!"Sana greeted her with a sweet smile

"I didn't tell you to go here"

"But I wanted to"

"That's fine, Tzu. Just don't make any noises when you do something"Jihyo interrupted as she gave her a cousin a teasing smirk

Since they came home yesterday, Jihyo can't stop on teasing her until now. All she can do was to walk out.

So here they goes, she pulled Sana along with her.

"She can't stop on teasing me about that"

"Just don't mind her"

"That's what I did"

"You have a lot things to do?"

"It's my off duty, but Dr. Hong wants me to do that"

"He's so mean sometimes"

"How long will you be here?

"Can I sleep here later?"

"Yes, but first. . . You need to behave"

"I will"

"Good. I'll start now then"

Tzuyu started the paperworks with Sana behaving there on the other side of her bed. Glad, she followed her orders because she needs to finish this on time. She hasn't been doing anything since yesterday as she's there at Nayeon's place so she needed to finish this by now.

An hours had passed and,



"My love?"

"Hubby?"Sana pokes Tzuyu's shoulder, eagerly to see that beautiful face that she loves to see

Tzuyu leans her hand against her forehead, closing her eyes, groaning when she keeps on getting tapped by her naughty girlfriend. She sits up straight, letting her hand slam against her laps and turn to Sana giving her a stern look.

"I swear, Sana. If I made a mistake here I will choke you"Tzuyu warned, that didn't seems to bother Sana as she just smiled as she giggles at that statement

"Hmmm. . . I wouldn't mind"

"What do you want, really?"

"I just wanted to say that, Dr. Hong just texted me that he can't go to the hospital for tomorrow so you can do those on the other day and have some quality time with me"Sana stated happily

"I'm almost done though. I'll take five more minutes, just stay there"Tzuyu got back to her work

"Five more minutes"Sana rolled her eyes

"I really need to finish this, baby. For sure I still got a lot of things to do for tomorrow. Dr Hong is not around so I'll take charge of what he left behind"

"But he has a lot work to do there"

"I didn't said that I will take over all his work, just the others. So you need to behave there. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, Daddy"Sana playfully smirked

Tsk, what is really wrong with this girl today.

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