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"Glad you guys came!"Nayeon kissed their cheek one by one, but when it comes to Tzuyu—

"Don't"Sana interrupted

"And why?"Nayeon raised a brow

"Just don't"Sana said and pulled Tzuyu with her

"Why so possessive, girl?"Nayeon chuckled

"Engineer Yoo is busy, she can't come for today"Dahyun stated

"I don't care about her"Nayeon crossed her arms as her gaze went on Sana
"Hey, what's that. . . on your neck?"she asked

"What? Where?"Sana acted as if she wasn't aware with that

"Stop hiding it! Come on, Momo help me!"

And that, they started to trap Sana up. The said girl kept on struggling so they find it hard to get what they want.

The moment Sana found her way out, she immediately hide behind Tzuyu who still had her straight face.

"Wait wait wait! Is that a hickey? I fucking saw it!"Momo exclaimed

"What? A hickey?"Jihyo snapped out, glancing at her cousin

"Sana had hickeys all over her neck!"Momo playfully smirked as Sana eyed her angrily
"Look at her! She's glaring at me!"she adds up

"Our Tzuyu was not innocent anymore"Dahyun sadly said

"Aw you're not innocent anymore?"Chaeyoung putted an arm on her wrist as she can't reach her shoulders

"Says the one who had some—

Chaeyoung cutted her off by covering her mouth.

"Innocent babies no more"Nayeon shook her head

"Tzuyu is already 19 so that's totally fine"Jeongyeon husked out
"Hi, by the way!"she greeted as all of their eyes went on her

They went in complete silent as Jeongyeon entered the room with a flowers on her hands. Tzuyu can hear Sana's silent laugh at the back so she pinched her hand- in return, Sana gave her bite on the ear.


"Dahyun said you can't come"Nayeon mutturred

"That was just a joke"Jeongyeon chuckled

"What is that?"Nayeon asked, raising one of her brow

"Can't you see? It's a flowers?"Jeongyeon said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

Bruh, seriously? Jeongyeon unnie is just ruining her own effort.

"Why are you giving me this? I'm not even dead"Nayeon stated

"That's Momo's suggestions since she think that was sweet"Jeongyeon uttured as Momo confidently wave her hands, totally proud with her own idea.

"Seriously, Lovey? How come you went to that idea when you can't even buy me one"Dahyun complained

"Simple! You're not dead, but Nayeon unnie is"Momo muttured, which she received a glare from the said latter

"How dare you say that to Nayeon?"Jeongyeon said, but deep inside she's trying her best not to laugh

"I hate you! I don't like you anymore, I'm gonna stop dating you from now on!"Nayeon sulked

"Hold on, I'm not laughing!"Jeongyeon denied

"Shut up! It's obvious that you're holding it in!"

"Come on, I said I wasn't!"

"Stop lying!"

"Hey stop fighting, okay? I thought we're here to drink?"Jihyo stated firmly

"Yeah to drink. But I can't drink right now"Mina uttured

"No, you need to drink"Momo pushed her

"She still have an appointment tomorrow"Chaeyoung seconded

"No more excuses! Let's drink!"

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