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It has been a year and Sana was now the Ceo of the hospital. Throughout her life, she studied to be the hospital's Ceo and now there's no backing up, she's sure with it. It wasn't her dream, really but she also found a love with this thing, even though it was kinda tiring sometimes.

Tzuyu also got her position higher, being one of the intern from the CNO, Chief Nursing Officer. She usually works under the CEO of the hospital, which is Sana.

As well as their friends. Dahyun who's one of the best Nurse, so as Xiaoting, Chaeyoung's now a surgeon as she ranked number two, followed by Jeongyeon. Their girlfriends stayed the same. Jihyo was now one of the famous singers, still struggling to find the love of her life. It was all fun as they were all grew up from a successful careers and a healthy relationships.

"Hello there"

"Hey"Tzuyu look up as she gave the latter the sweetest smile even when she's already tired from paper works
"I'm kinda busy for today"she then went back to what she was doing

"It's fine, I'm just going to—"Sana's gaze then went on Tzuyu's table. There's a drink, it looks very familiar as it was always seen here. She wasn't really asking Tzuyu about this matter, but she couldn't wait any longer now.
"Starbucks?"she raised a brow

"That was the Venti Flat White. You want some?"Tzuyu said, unaware that Sana was already annoyed

"They literally bought the most expensive drink. Ha- did they really think they are the only one who can do that? Did they really think they can win over me, tch!"Sana mumbled, which wasn't clearly heard by Tzuyu

"Hmmmm? Come again?"

"Is this your favorite?"

"Not really but since I got a taste of it, it is now"

Sana scoffs as she took the drink with her and walk towards the nearest table she can reach.

"Hi Nurse Chong, sorry to bother but can I ask you something?"Sana uttured as she look over Tzuyu's direction who's staring at her, confused

"Yes yes! Of course, Ms. Minatozaki"Nurse Chong stood up

"You don't need to stand. I was just here to ask if you want some drink?"

"Uhh, Ms. . ."

"Don't worry, I got you"Sana winked at her as she gave Elkie the drink

"T-thank you, Ms. Minatozaki"Elkie was confused either, but she just took it anyways

"You're welcome"Sana smiled as she went back at Tzuyu's table

"What was that for?"

"I gave her the drink"

"But I want that though"Tzuyu pouted

"Don't worry because I got you too"Sana place the same drink over her table
"Don't drink that one and drink what I bought instead"she adds up

"Okay, you're weird"Tzuyu mutturred

"Who's buying you that?"Sana strictly crossed her arms

"Sana, you don't understand—"

"Yeah, I don't really understand why they kept on buying you that drink when I can buy you those instead"

"You get the wrong ide—

"To my office now"



Tzuyu waited Sana on her office as she said so. She didn't even let her finish her sentence and she's acting like a bitch again. One thing that changed about Sana is that, she became more possessive that she really is when she started to be the CNO and of course because of her cousin, being one of the famous singer all over the world.

"You should tell them to stop giving you this and I'll buy you this, myself"Sana slammed the door shut, which Tzuyu assumed she's really really jealous as hell

"How can I say no when it's all free?"Tzuyu played along, Sana's eyes were now in flames of red. Tzuyu gulped at that sight, but to be honest, she find it hot and scary at the same time.

"Here. I went outside to give you this"Sana handed Tzuyu the papers

"What's this— holy crap!"

Tzuyu had her mouth hanged open as she read everything that was written in that papers.

"What the?!"Tzuyu look at her in surprise

"I did"Sana said as if it wasn't a big deal

"What can I do with these? These are all— hah, I can't with you"

"Let them know their place, alright?Everybody knows that you're mine"Sana put her hands over Tzuyu's shoulder

"Yeah, he knows that"

"Oh so he's a he"


"Describe him then. I want to know his background"Sana sat on the taller's lap, placing her arms all over her nape, looking straight into her eyes
"I want to know if he's better than me"she husked out

"Hmmm?? Where should I start, baby?"

"It's all up to you"

"Well, uhh— he comes from a wealthy family. Have owned one of the most successful company in Taiwan. He's nice, tall, smart, cute and handsome at the same time, he cares about business, about her mother, he also treated his stepfather like his own, even though the stepfather itself wasn't that close to him. If I have a chance to choose someone then I'm sure it must be him"Tzuyu paused as she watches Sana's eyes, which was now with full of rage
"But the thing is—"

There, right there. . . Sana pulled Tzuyu's collar up as flames of fire ran through her eyes.

"Are you gonna replace me to a man like him?"

"Of course. . ."Tzuyu grinned as she cupped Sana's face
"Not. I just admired him, you know- as a sister. I do really support him and now that he's here in Seoul"she looks up


"Yeah, you know him. Mark"

"You didn't!"

"I was close to telling you the truth, but you were so funny! And I umm— I decided to play along instead"

"You're so annoying!"

"Don't be a jealous girlfriend because it was just only you"

"I hate you"

Tzuyu chuckled as she gave Sana a peck on her lips before saying,

"I love you, my naughty patient"


Ended 11.25.22

Happy Satzu day everyone!! Tysm, sending love to y'all ♥

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