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Sana, Mina, Momo, and Nayeon got their free time for this day so they decided to visit this bar, which Momo suggested one day ago.

Since Sana knew Tzuyu was with her work, she accepted their invite. Plus, she's always with Tzuyu that she already forgot her friends. So she's here.

Sana is in the counter, ordering their favorite drinks when her eyes found this certain nurse.

"Tzuyu"Sana whispered her name, but it wasn't clearly heard by her. The place was loud enough to hear her voice.

Sana just headed back to their table and gave their drinks, still finding Tzuyu's shadow.

"Busy finding someone?"Momo asked

"I saw Tzuyu"Sana answered

"Tzuyu's name can't get out of your mind"Nayeon muttured

"I'm sorry, it's just-

Then there, she saw Tzuyu serving the drinks to the guys. The looks on their eyes was telling something.

"Hi! Are you the manager?"Sana asked the man in a suit

"Yes, ma'am. How can I help you?"

"Can I buy her time?"Sana pointed to Tzuyu

"Uhh-"he was speechless

"Don't worry, I got you"Sana said, getting something on her purse and handed her some money
"Here so, what now?"she smiled

"I will call her, ma'am"and then he left

"What kind of stupidity is this, Satang?"Momo folded her arms over her chest

"Look at her"Sana pointed out

"We're already looking at her"Mina uttured

"I don't like the attention those men are giving her"Sana crumbles her forehead

"Check the label first, honey"Nayeon mutturred

"I hate you, unnie!"

"Why? I'm just saying"

"I'm gonna get her soon"

"She's not an object, Sana"

"Why are you always like this? Tell me do you like her?!"

"What?! No!"

"Stop it. She doesn't like Tzuyu, Sana chan. Believe me"Mina interrupted

"Am I in the wrong table?"someone said

"Oh, Tzuyu! You're in the right table, babe!"Momo gave her the brightest smile

"bAbE"Sana said in a mocking way

"My manager said I'm free for today. I don't understand him, really"Tzuyu uttered

"Sana actually brought your time"Momo blurted out

"What? Why?"Tzuyu turn to Sana, waiting for an acceptable reason

"Because I wanted to"Sana said casually

"You're confusing sometimes"Tzuyu frowned

"Jealousy made her do that"Mina whispered

"Come again?"Tzuyu raised a brow

"Nothing"Mina smiled innocently

"Okay"Tzuyu just nods. She looked unconvinced, but decided not to push her so.
"I'm going now"she's about to walk when Sana took a hold on her wrist

"Where are you going?"Sana asked

"Going back to work"

"I already—

"You don't need to do that"Tzuyu said sternly, which Sana removed her hands away from her slowly


And just like that, Tzuyu disappeared from her line of sight.

"The person is working, Sana. You—

"Momo chan, you're not even helping"Mina cutted her off

"Let's go"Sana stood up

Mina and Momo followed her line of sight, it turns out that Tzuyu was with this tall man, talking and laughing with him.

"That was such a painful scene"Momo mumbled, but was suddenly pulled by Mina

"Stop watching and they're already waiting"

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