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"You need to explain now, Chou"

"I-I don't know, unnie. I didn't mean to raise a voice to her, I really do"

"She's only here to help you"

"I'm sorry, unnie"

"Don't say that to me, say it to her"Jihyo held both her shoulders, reaching out for her umbrella
"Chase her"she counted


"I said chase her"

Tzuyu immediately took Jihyo's umbrella and run as fast as she can. Sana was a slow runner, for sure she can still find her.

A few moments and she finally saw Sana's shadow. She was just standing on one spot, she's not moving, her clothes were already soaking. Tzuyu immediately went towards her and put the umbrella just above her head.

"Sana, come with me. I'll take you home"Tzuyu started

The moment Sana look up, she passed out. Lucky her, her fast reflexes helped her catch the older in an instant. She felt sorry, she knows Sana just wanted to help her but what did she do.

She hated herself.

She's so stupid to do that.


They arrived at their place as Tzuyu placed Sana on her bed. She didn't bother to tell this to her cousin because she's the one who's at fault here, she doesn't want to bother her.

Tzuyu stared at the sleeping Sana. She held her forehead and found out that she got a high fever. She removed the blanket that was covering Sana's body and turned on the ac to lessen up the hot temperature.

"It's so cold"Sana mumbled

"I'll get you some medicine downstairs"Tzuyu said but Sana took a hold of her wrist, preventing her to do so

"I don't need that"Sana mutturred

"Come on, Sana. You need to take some medicine for you to feel better. Stop being hard headed"Sana just shook her head

"Just. . . stay here with me. You don't need me, but I need you"

The latter didn't say anything and just laid beside Sana. She gave her a warm hug to keep her from getting cold. Sana closed her eyes, avoiding herself from tearing up.

This feeling.

This feeling right here.

She needed some space, but she just ended up asking her to stay.

They stayed like that for the whole night.

Sana slightly turn her head to the side and found out that Tzuyu is already sleeping peacefully. She stared at her face for who knows how long. She examined her closed eyes, her nose and that lips she wanted to kiss everyday.

This person doesn't even know how much she loves her. She's too much focused on Chaeyoung, it's always her.

Why does she needs to be hurt like this?

Should I stay away?

If she didn't, she will only be hurt in the end, knowing Tzuyu doesn't really feel anything for her.

Yes, I think I should.

She already made a decision. She will stay away from Tzuyu starting tomorrow. She doesn't want to bother her anymore.

She lastly stared at Tzuyu and held her cheeks, slowly caressing it with her thumb. She slowly leaned in kissing her forehead, her close eyes and her nose.

This will be the last time.

My Naughty Patient | SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now