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"Tzuyu! Sana unnie is already awake and she's finding you!"Xiaoting announced quietly

"I will do this for you, Nurse Chou"Nurse Chong insisted, she's a close friend of Xiaoting so she knew about this as well. And for sure, their secret are safe with her.

"Thanks, Nurse Chong"

Tzuyu immediately ran towards the elevator and into Sana's room. She didn't end long and she arrived at the said room.

"H-hey"Tzuyu started, panting

"Tzuyu yah"Sana had her eyes blurry

"Uhh- Let's go now guys!"Nayeon excused

"Yeah, have a nice tal—"Momo didn't get to finish her sentence when Nayeon pulled her outside

"So— I'm glad you're already fine"Tzuyu smiled

"I'm not totally fine"Sana shook her head

"Don't say that, Aly. You're a fighter, you'll survive this. I'm here—us, we're here for you. We won't leave you all alone, we're here to fight for you"

"Thank you, Tzuyu ah"

"Just promise me you will fight for us, hmm?"

"I promised"

There was a little pause when Sana started talking again,

"Tzuyu- I want to tell you the truth. I want you to know anything from the start"

"No, Sana. I don't want to pressure you now"

"Tzuyu, you can ask as many questions from me. I don't want to lie from you anymore"

Tzuyu stayed in silence for a while and,

"I want you to be honest with me, Sana"

Sana nodded as she lowered down her head and started talking.

"That day— I lied to you. I lied to you that I went overseas when I was just in my house that day, I needed to be treated at home. My doctor, Dr. Hong was there. No one but my family and friends knew about my condition. And I decided that, once I'm all treated, I'll tell this all to you. That day- I need to lie, we needed to lie"

"Why are you hiding this all from me, why do you need to lie, Sana? I'm your girlfriend for pete's sake"

"I'm sorry, Tzuyu. I-I just don't want you to get hurt if you'll get to know about my condition. I don't want to hurt you"

"I get it, I get you, you don't want me to get hurt. But Sana, I'm your girlfriend- we'll get this through pain and happiness"

"I'm really sorry, Tzuyu ah"

Tzuyu walk back and forth as a thought slipped out of her mind.

"What about that text?"

"What do you mean?"

"That text you sent to me the day when you were nowhere to be find, is it really you?"

"Tzuyu. . ."

"Just tell me!"Tzuyu raised a voice, it wasn't her intention. She's just so mad, so mad that her girlfriend didn't even tell her about this kind of matters.

"I-it was Mina"


Momo and Mina pretended to get inside Mina's car as they watched Tzuyu walk away.

"Why the hell are you asking her to go inside? What if she really did?"Momo nervously let out

"I know she wouldn't"

"Shit, Mina. You're just making me nervous as hell. . . I can't lie to Tzuyu anymore"

"But I told you, we're not in a right position to tell her this"

"What about the phone?"

"I'll go reply to Tzuyu"

"Wait, what?"

"I need to text her so that she won't worry and we'll tell this to Sana chan when she's fine right away"Mina took out Sana's phone as she read Tzuyu's messages
"I'm really sorry, Tzuyu ah"and after that she send those messages from her


A realization pulled Tzuyu out of her usual trance as she soften her voice at Sana.

"I-I'm sorry, Aly. You know— you don't have to hide anything from me. Do you really trust me?"

"Of course, Tzuyu. I trust you"

"Then don't hide something like this from me ever again. I'm always here for you, okay? I won't leave you. . . and please don't leave me too"

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